Dear @Jack.Hardy,
Can you share the full time series of your new PtfmTDxt
? I only see that you shared the end of the time series.
Best regards,
Dear @Jack.Hardy,
Can you share the full time series of your new PtfmTDxt
? I only see that you shared the end of the time series.
Best regards,
Dear @Jack.Hardy,
Perhaps the acceleration signal looks better, but this displacement signal does not look like proper seismic excitation to me.
Best regards,
Dear @Jason.Jonkman ,
In fact , I find my seismic input was wrong, I didn’t Seismic wave baseline correction.This time I do it and the curve as follows:
Dear @Jack.Hardy,
I’m happy to see that you fixed your seismic excitation problem.
You mention both DLLs and MATLAB/Simulink. Are you trying to implement active TMD control through MATLAB/Simulink (StC_CMode
= 4) and wind turbine controller through the baseline DISCON.dll supplied with the NREL 5-MW wind turbine? Please note that active TMD control through MATLAB/Simulink (StC_CMode
= 4) is not currently supported per the following OpenFAST issue: How to implement active control of TMD in Simulink · Issue #2323 · OpenFAST/openfast · GitHub.
Best regards,
Dear @Jason.Jonkman ,
I read the Issue#2323 and #761 where tell me that if I only use passive TMD or TCLD I don’t need to change OpenFAST source code, but if i want to achieve active or semi-active control I need to recompile OpenFAST. If I’m wrong, please correct me.
And I also have a question:
If I design one control system about active TMD in Simulink and then save it as a DLL file. It can run in openfast if don’t change anything in OpenFAST source code ,just as a another .dll file to input in ServoDyn.dat?
Best regards.
Dear @Jack.Hardy,
Semi-active control of TMDs is available through the input file (StC_CMODE
= 1). Active TMD control through MATLAB/Simulink (StC_CMODE
= 4) is not currently supported and would require a change to the source code and recompile of the OpenFAST S-Function. Active TMD control through the DISCON DLL controller (StC_CMODE
= 5) is supported and doesn’t require a recompile of OpenFAST, but does require that you implement your active control logic and recompile the DISCON DLL.
Best regards,
Dear @Jason.Jonkman
Thank you for your answer in time. So I have two options to achieve active TMD,the first is to recompile OpenFAST S-Function,the second is recompile DISCON.DLL?
is it right?
Best regards.
That is correct.
Best regards,
So if there have some documents about it?
Best regards.
Dear @Jack.Hardy,
Information on compiling OpenFAST and DISCON DLLs is available on readthedocs: 2. Installing OpenFAST — OpenFAST v3.5.3 documentation.
Best regards,
Dear @Jason.Jonkman ,
I’m trying to simulate the condition of emergency shutdown of the wind turbine.I set the emergency shutdown occurring in t=200s,the settings about ServoDyn as follows:
And I also simulate the condition of stop operating from t=0s. I close the GenDOF and set the initial Blpitch are ‘90’,Rotspeed is ‘0’,and the ServoDyn as follows:
Dear @Jack.Hardy,
Regarding the emergency shutdown, when the rotor shuts down, I would expect BEM to be turned off once the TSR gets low. This warning is expected and OpenFAST completed normally.
Regarding the condition at t=0 s, I don’t see that you’ve actually set the blade pitch angles to zero. To do that, either disable the pitch controller altogether (and initialize the blade-pitch angles to zero in ElastoDyn), or set TPitManS
(1-3) = 0 s in ServoDyn.
Best regards,
Dear @Jason.Jonkman ,
Thank you for your answer. If I want to simulate the stop condition,which parameters need to be change? And how to change them?
Best regards.
Dear @Jack.Hardy,
What do you mean by “stop condition”? Are you referring to an emergency shutdown (emergency stop), which it already appears you are simulating? Or perhaps you are referring to the parked / idling condition?
Best regards,
Dear @Jason.Jonkman ,
Yes,I mean the parked condition. which parameters should I change?
Best regards.
Dear @Jack.Hardy,
Parked and idling simulation set up for OpenFAST has been discussed in other forum topics, e.g., see: Parked turbine simulation.
Best regards,
Dear @Jason.Jonkman ,
Thank you , I follow the topic to set parameters and it seen great.
I want trying to study 2 things:
The first is to study how to achieve the Aerodynamic damping gain which can decrease the vibration of wind turbine.
The second is how to achieve pitch control and yaw control through Simulink to optimize.
I hope you can give me some directions. Books and some advice will be more perfect.
Best regards.
Dear @Jack.Hardy,
Your questions are more wind turbine design related rather than on NREL software tools. I would suggest reviewing the literature, but don’t have specific recommendations.
Best regards,
Dear @Jason.Jonkman ,
I want to know there have some documents about the NREL 5MW jacket offshore wind turbine?
Best regards.