Dear Rana,
I’m still not sure I understand what you want to do. You identified the operating point to linearize about (by setting up your model and designating an appropriate linearization time); the states and inputs at this time match those used to generate the linear model.
Best regards,
Dear Jason
I am sorry but output rotor speed not equal rotor speed provided in output section lin file
Dear Rana,
They do in the results you’ve provided i.e. 0.3 rad/s = 2.864 rpm.
Best regards,
Dear Jason
ch 5 is outdata provide different values within range 9 rpm ?
Dear Rana,
Again, I don’t understand your question.
Best regards,
sorry, how i can known the value of output rotor speed in non linear model
Dear Rana,
You can get the rotor speed by including RotSpeed in the the output list, which it looks like you’ve done already.
Best regards,