Dear Manish,
I’m not sure I understand all of what you’ve done. Please clarify for me by answering a few questions:
*What generator torque model was applied when the model was linearized?
*What torque and pitch controller inputs are applied in the linear model (step 4) and nonlinear model to obtain the plot shown in step 5?
*Were the nonlinear results created by a simulation with the FAST executable or S-Function?
Also, I see that you’ve linearized the model about initial conditions instead of about a steady-state condition. You must be careful how you use a linear model that was not derived about a steady-state condition. See the following topic for a discussion of the some of the potential problems: FAST: Model linearization. I suggest that you relinearize your model about a steady-state condition before comparing the linear and nonlinaer solutions.
Best regards,