OC3 turbulence model(Mann model)

Dear all,

I want to use the Mann model in OpenFAST.

As I know OC3 used the Mann model to compare the codes in a turbulence environment.

So I found this link about the inflow wind file.

drive.google.com/drive/folders/ … itJoXMAJZQ

In OC3 documentation(Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration (OC3) for IEA Task 23 Offshore Wind Technology and Deployment), there is no information about grid length(there is only grid size information:8,192x32x32).

Is there anyone who knows the grid length for this inflow file?

Please let me know.

Thank you.

Dear Seonghwan.Kim,

The length of these files can be determined by multiplying the simulation length and the mean wind speed. E.g., for the case that is 700 s long at 11.4 m/s, the length is 7980 m.

Best regards,

Dear Jason.Jonkman,

Thank you for your answer.

I think I asked the wrong question.

I want to ask how to set the parameters for inflow wind input about HAWC-format binary files.

================== Parameters for HAWC-format binary files [Only used with WindType = 5] =====================
“wasp\Output\basic_5u.bin” FileName_u - name of the file containing the u-component fluctuating wind (.bin)
“wasp\Output\basic_5v.bin” FileName_v - name of the file containing the v-component fluctuating wind (.bin)
“wasp\Output\basic_5w.bin” FileName_w - name of the file containing the w-component fluctuating wind (.bin)
64 nx - number of grids in the x direction (in the 3 files above) (-)
32 ny - number of grids in the y direction (in the 3 files above) (-)
32 nz - number of grids in the z direction (in the 3 files above) (-)
16 dx - distance (in meters) between points in the x direction (m)
3 dy - distance (in meters) between points in the y direction (m)
3 dz - distance (in meters) between points in the z direction (m)

Do you mean I can set dx=7980/8132=0.981308411?

If wrong, please tell me how can I set the value (dx, dy, dz).

Best regards,

Dear Seonghwan.Kim,

nx should be 8192 (not 64 or 8132), so, dx = 7980/8192 = 0.974121 m for the 11.4 m/s case. And dy = dz = 4.6875 m.

Best regards,

Dear Jason.Jonkman

Thank you for your kind explanation.

8,132 is a typo. sorry.

When I simulate by putting value you recommended like the below figure.

It didn’t work.

I think the given file was generated using another value.

What do you think?

And can I find proper value to use the OC3 turbulence wind file?

If possible, could you tell me how to do it?

Thank you.

Best regards,

Dear Seonghwan.Kim,

I’m not sure what is wrong. Can you share your complete InflowWind input file?

Alternative, you can use the corresponding turbulent wind data provided in Bladed format (which is what we used in FAST in the OC3 project because at the time, FAST couldn’t make use of HAWC-formatted wind data): drive.google.com/drive/folders/ … sp=sharing, however, for some reason I don’t see that the *.wnd files corresponding to the *.sum files shared (but we can get these to you).

Best regards,

Dear Jason.Jonkman

Yeah, here is the InflowWind input file I was used.

------- InflowWind v3.01.* INPUT FILE -------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                         
12 m/s turbulent winds on 31x31 FF grid and tower for FAST CertTests 18, #19, #21, #22, #23, and #24                                                                                                    
false           Echo           - Echo input data to <RootName>.ech (flag)                                                                                                                               
4           WindType       - switch for wind file type (1=steady; 2=uniform; 3=binary TurbSim FF; 4=binary Bladed-style FF; 5=HAWC format; 6=User defined))                                             
0           PropagationDir - Direction of wind propagation (meteoroligical rotation from aligned with X (positive rotates towards -Y) -- degrees)                                                 
0         VFlowAng       - Upflow angle (degrees) (not used for native Bladed format WindType=7)      
1           NWindVel       - Number of points to output the wind velocity    (0 to 9)                                                                                                                   
0           WindVxiList    - List of coordinates in the inertial X direction (m)                                                                                                                        
0           WindVyiList    - List of coordinates in the inertial Y direction (m)                                                                                                                        
90           WindVziList    - List of coordinates in the inertial Z direction (m)                                                                                                                       
================== Parameters for Steady Wind Conditions (used only for WindType = 1) =========================                                                                                         
8.0         HWindSpeed     - Horizontal windspeed                            (m/s)                                                                                                                      
90         RefHt          - Reference height for horizontal wind speed      (m)                                                                                                                       
0        PLexp          - Power law exponent                              (-)                                                                                                                      
================== Parameters for Uniform wind file   (used only for WindType = 2) ============================                                                                                         
'Unused'        Filename_Uni       - Filename of time series data for uniform wind field.      (-)                                                                                       
90        RefHt_Uni          - Reference height for horizontal wind speed                (m)                                                                                                             
125.88        RefLength          - Reference length for linear horizontal and vertical sheer (-)                                                                                                         
================== Parameters for Binary TurbSim Full-Field files   (used only for WindType = 3) ==============                                                                                         
"Wind/90m_12mps_twr.bts"        FileName_BTS       - Horizontal windspeed                            (m/s)                                                                                                 
================== Parameters for Binary Bladed-style Full-Field files   (used only for WindType = 4) =========                                                                                         
"Wind/oc3_11ms_rect6_6"   FilenameRoot   - Rootname of the full-field wind file to use (.wnd, .sum)                                                                                            
False           TowerFile      - Have tower file (.twr) (flag)                                                                                                                                          
================== Parameters for HAWC-format binary files  (Only used with WindType = 5) =====================                                                                                         
"Wind/OC3_11ms_rect2_6u.bin"          FileName_u      - name of the file containing the u-component fluctuating wind (.bin)                                                                               
"Wind/OC3_11ms_rect2_6v.bin"          FileName_v      - name of the file containing the v-component fluctuating wind (.bin)                                                                               
"Wind/OC3_11ms_rect2_6w.bin"          FileName_w      - name of the file containing the w-component fluctuating wind (.bin)                                                                               
8192         nx             - number of grids in the x direction (in the 3 files above) (-)                                                                                                             
32           ny             - number of grids in the y direction (in the 3 files above) (-)                                                                                                             
32           nz             - number of grids in the z direction (in the 3 files above) (-)                                                                                                             
0.974121     dx             - distance (in meters) between points in the x direction    (m)                                                                                                             
4.6875       dy             - distance (in meters) between points in the y direction    (m)                                                                                                              
4.6875       dz             - distance (in meters) between points in the z direction    (m)                                                                                                              
90           RefHt_Hawc     - reference height; the height (in meters) of the vertical center of the grid (m)                                                                                           
  -------------   Scaling parameters for turbulence   ---------------------------------------------------------                                                                                         
2          ScaleMethod    - Turbulence scaling method   (0 = none, 1 = direct scaling, 2 = calculate scaling factor based on a desired standard deviation)                                             
1           SFx            - Turbulence scaling factor for the x direction (-)   (ScaleMethod=1)                                                                                                        
1           SFy            - Turbulence scaling factor for the y direction (-)   (ScaleMethod=1)                                                                                                        
1           SFz            - Turbulence scaling factor for the z direction (-)   (ScaleMethod=1)                                                                                                        
1.2           SigmaFx        - Turbulence standard deviation to calculate scaling from in x direction (m/s)    (ScaleMethod=2)                                                                           
0.8           SigmaFy        - Turbulence standard deviation to calculate scaling from in y direction (m/s)    (ScaleMethod=2)                                                                            
0.2           SigmaFz        - Turbulence standard deviation to calculate scaling from in z direction (m/s)    (ScaleMethod=2)                                                                            
  -------------   Mean wind profile parameters (added to HAWC-format files)   ---------------------------------                                                                                         
12          URef           - Mean u-component wind speed at the reference height (m/s)                                                                                                                  
2          WindProfile    - Wind profile type (0=constant;1=logarithmic,2=power law)                                                                                                                   
0.2          PLExp_Hawc      - Power law exponent (-) (used for PL wind profile type only)                                                                                                              
0.03           Z0             - Surface roughness length (m) (used for LG wind profile type only)  
0        XOffset         - Initial offset in +x direction (shift of wind box)                                                                                                     
====================== OUTPUT ==================================================                                                                                                                        
true          SumPrint     - Print summary data to <RootName>.IfW.sum (flag)                                                                                                                           
OutList      - The next line(s) contains a list of output parameters.  See OutListParameters.xlsx for a listing of available output channels, (-)                                                       
END of input file (the word END must appear in the first 3 columns of this last OutList line)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

And, I tried to simulate using your recommended method(Bladed style input).

But it didn’t work.

As you told me, The *.sum format is not Bladed style.

Please could you send me a proper summary file that was used in the OC3 project?

mail : shkim1@kaist.ac.kr

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Dear Jason.Jonkman

There is any mistakes or problems in my InflowWind input?

And, please can you tell me how can I get the proper OC3 bladed style wind input file(*.sum)?

Thank you.

Best regards,

Dear @Seonghwan.Kim,

I asked Amy Robertson and she has now uploaded the *.wnd files that correspond with the *.sum files for these two cases in the following Google Drive directory: AeroDyn Format - Google Drive. You should now be able to run these cases with WindType = 4 (Bladed format).

Best regards,

Dear @Jason.Jonkman

Thank you for your kind answer.

But It doesn’t work.

When I simulate “example input file” in the regression test folder, the error occurs like the above picture.

And also I can’t use the given InflowWind input in whole examples.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Dear @Seonghwan.Kim,

These wind data files are 145.312 m tall and wide and are centered around the 90-m hub height. Thus, the wind data starts 17.344-m above the ground. From your error message, it looks like you have aerodynamic analysis nodes lower than this, e.g., aerodynamic nodes located on the tower. I would suggest increasing the lower most node of the tower tower in AeroDyn above 17.344 m.

Best regards,

Dear @Jason.Jonkman ,

Thank you for your solution.

It works!

Lastly, I wonder which turbulence model was used in the wind input file you provided.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Dear @Seonghwan.Kim,

These wind data files are the same wind data generated by the Mann model for the OC3 Phase I project in HAWC format, but reformatted to Bladed format.

Best regards,