I use OpenFast and run it however, unfortunately it is not run successfully.
The reason may be in the 5MW_Baseline/NRELOffshrBsline5MW_InflowWind_12mps.dat" file.
I cannot find out what is wrong in the line #8.
Could you advice me about it.
The version of OpenFast is 3.4.1.
Dear @Naoki.Ohba,
My guess is that the InflowWind input file you are using is formatted for a version different from OpenFAST v3.4. As with any input file processing issue, I would enable the Echo
option to debug.
Best regards,
Dear Dr.Jason-san
Thank you so much for your quick support.
I guess so as you mentioned and found similar topics in NREL Forum.
My “NRELOffshrBsline5MW_InflowWind_12mps.dat” file is written as below.
Could you please let me know where and how to modify the file?
Or please share me correct “NRELOffshrBsline5MW_InflowWind_12mps.dat” file corresponds to Ver.3.4.1.
Best Regards,
For reference ) “NRELOffshrBsline5MW_InflowWind_12mps.dat” file
------- InflowWind INPUT FILE -------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 m/s turbulent winds on 31x31 FF grid and tower for FAST CertTests #18, #19, #21, #22, #23, and #24
False Echo - Echo input data to .ech (flag)
3 WindType - switch for wind file type (1=steady; 2=uniform; 3=binary TurbSim FF; 4=binary Bladed-style FF; 5=HAWC format; 6=User defined; 7=native Bladed FF)
0 PropagationDir - Direction of wind propagation (meteorological rotation from aligned with X (positive rotates towards -Y) – degrees) (not used for native Bladed format WindType=7)
0 VFlowAng - Upflow angle (degrees) (not used for native Bladed format WindType=7)
False VelInterpCubic - Use cubic interpolation for velocity in time (false=linear, true=cubic) [Used with WindType=2,3,4,5,7]
1 NWindVel - Number of points to output the wind velocity (0 to 9)
0 WindVxiList - List of coordinates in the inertial X direction (m)
0 WindVyiList - List of coordinates in the inertial Y direction (m)
90 WindVziList - List of coordinates in the inertial Z direction (m)
================== Parameters for Steady Wind Conditions [used only for WindType = 1] =========================
0 HWindSpeed - Horizontal wind speed (m/s)
90 RefHt - Reference height for horizontal wind speed (m)
0.2 PLExp - Power law exponent (-)
================== Parameters for Uniform wind file [used only for WindType = 2] ============================
“unused” Filename_Uni - Filename of time series data for uniform wind field. (-)
90 RefHt_Uni - Reference height for horizontal wind speed (m)
125.88 RefLength - Reference length for linear horizontal and vertical sheer (-)
================== Parameters for Binary TurbSim Full-Field files [used only for WindType = 3] ==============
“Wind/90m_12mps_twr.bts” FileName_BTS - Name of the Full field wind file to use (.bts)
================== Parameters for Binary Bladed-style Full-Field files [used only for WindType = 4 or WindType = 7] =========
“unused” FileNameRoot - WindType=4: Rootname of the full-field wind file to use (.wnd, .sum); WindType=7: name of the intermediate file with wind scaling values
False TowerFile - Have tower file (.twr) (flag) ignored when WindType = 7
================== Parameters for HAWC-format binary files [Only used with WindType = 5] =====================
“wasp\Output\basic_5u.bin” FileName_u - name of the file containing the u-component fluctuating wind (.bin)
“wasp\Output\basic_5v.bin” FileName_v - name of the file containing the v-component fluctuating wind (.bin)
“wasp\Output\basic_5w.bin” FileName_w - name of the file containing the w-component fluctuating wind (.bin)
64 nx - number of grids in the x direction (in the 3 files above) (-)
32 ny - number of grids in the y direction (in the 3 files above) (-)
32 nz - number of grids in the z direction (in the 3 files above) (-)
16 dx - distance (in meters) between points in the x direction (m)
3 dy - distance (in meters) between points in the y direction (m)
3 dz - distance (in meters) between points in the z direction (m)
90 RefHt_Hawc - reference height; the height (in meters) of the vertical center of the grid (m)
------------- Scaling parameters for turbulence ---------------------------------------------------------
2 ScaleMethod - Turbulence scaling method [0 = none, 1 = direct scaling, 2 = calculate scaling factor based on a desired standard deviation]
1 SFx - Turbulence scaling factor for the x direction (-) [ScaleMethod=1]
1 SFy - Turbulence scaling factor for the y direction (-) [ScaleMethod=1]
1 SFz - Turbulence scaling factor for the z direction (-) [ScaleMethod=1]
1.2 SigmaFx - Turbulence standard deviation to calculate scaling from in x direction (m/s) [ScaleMethod=2]
0.8 SigmaFy - Turbulence standard deviation to calculate scaling from in y direction (m/s) [ScaleMethod=2]
0.2 SigmaFz - Turbulence standard deviation to calculate scaling from in z direction (m/s) [ScaleMethod=2]
------------- Mean wind profile parameters (added to HAWC-format files) ---------------------------------
12 URef - Mean u-component wind speed at the reference height (m/s)
2 WindProfile - Wind profile type (0=constant;1=logarithmic,2=power law)
0.2 PLExp_Hawc - Power law exponent (-) (used for PL wind profile type only)
0.03 Z0 - Surface roughness length (m) (used for LG wind profile type only)
0 XOffset - Initial offset in +x direction (shift of wind box)
================== LIDAR Parameters ===========================================================================
0 SensorType - Switch for lidar configuration (0 = None, 1 = Single Point Beam(s), 2 = Continuous, 3 = Pulsed)
0 NumPulseGate - Number of lidar measurement gates (used when SensorType = 3)
30 PulseSpacing - Distance between range gates (m) (used when SensorType = 3)
0 NumBeam - Number of lidar measurement beams (0-5)(used when SensorType = 1)
-200 FocalDistanceX - Focal distance co-ordinates of the lidar beam in the x direction (relative to hub height) (only first coordinate used for SensorType 2 and 3) (m)
0 FocalDistanceY - Focal distance co-ordinates of the lidar beam in the y direction (relative to hub height) (only first coordinate used for SensorType 2 and 3) (m)
0 FocalDistanceZ - Focal distance co-ordinates of the lidar beam in the z direction (relative to hub height) (only first coordinate used for SensorType 2 and 3) (m)
0.0 0.0 0.0 RotorApexOffsetPos - Offset of the lidar from hub height (m)
17 URefLid - Reference average wind speed for the lidar[m/s]
0.25 MeasurementInterval - Time between each measurement [s]
False LidRadialVel - TRUE => return radial component, FALSE => return ‘x’ direction estimate
1 ConsiderHubMotion - Flag whether to consider the hub motion’s impact on Lidar measurements
====================== OUTPUT ==================================================
False SumPrint - Print summary data to .IfW.sum (flag)
OutList - The next line(s) contains a list of output parameters. See OutListParameters.xlsx for a listing of available output channels, (-)
“Wind1VelX” X-direction wind velocity at point WindList(1)
“Wind1VelY” Y-direction wind velocity at point WindList(1)
“Wind1VelZ” Z-direction wind velocity at point WindList(1)
END of input file (the word “END” must appear in the first 3 columns of this last OutList line)
Dear @Naoki.Ohba,
It looks like your InflowWind input file is compatible with OpenFAST v3.5. The input file changes with each release of OpenFAST are documented here: 4.1.2. API changes between versions — OpenFAST v3.5.0 documentation. In your case, you must delete the line with VelInterpCubic
and the entire LIDAR Parameters section, which were added between OpenFAST 3.4 and v3.5.
Best regards,
Dear Dr. Jason.Jonkman-san
Thank you very much for your support.
Unfortunately, it did not work well to do you mentioned.
However it may be version matter you steted.
I re-installed OpenFast3.5, latest version, it successfully works.
I appreciate your kind hints.
Beat Regards,