There is no built-in way to output wind at an arbitrary point in space in FAST v7.00.*. You could, however, add this feature fairly easily. In the FAST.f90 source file, you will find the following code to get the hub-height wind speed currently output:
[code] HHWndVec( = AD_GetUndisturbedWind( ZTime, (/REAL(0.0, ReKi), REAL(0.0, ReKi), FASTHH /), ErrStat )
AllOuts( WindVxi) = HHWndVec(1)
AllOuts( WindVyi) = HHWndVec(2)
AllOuts( WindVzi) = HHWndVec(3)
If you would like the wind speed at a different point, you would just have to modify the (/0.0, 0.0, FASTHH/) array to be whatever point you want (using the X-Y-Z ground coordinate system).
The InflowWind archive also has a TestRoutines folder, which contains some other ways to look at the wind data outside of FAST. One is a sample Fortran code that you can modify to read the file you want and create your own output. The other is a Matlab dll (mex function) that interfaces with the InflowWind module. It is slow, but because it uses the exact same Fortran code, it will return the same wind speeds that you get with FAST. There are some instructions at the top of WindInflow_gateway.f90 that explain this in more detail, but basically you open the .hwc file in Matlab like this:
(the last 2 input values are required, but aren’t used for the .hwc wind files).
Then you can call the mex function to get the wind speeds you want.
returns wind speeds, v, at t=0,1,2,3,4, & 5 seconds at position (0,0,90 m), which is 90 above the undisplaced tower centerline. v is a 6x3 array (each row is a time, and the 3 columns are the wind speeds along the X-, Y-, and Z-axis respectively).
When you are finished analyzing the wind file, you should call
[Err] = WindInflow_mex( 9 )
(or close Matlab) so that Matlab doesn’t run out of memory.
I also noticed that the .hwc wind files aren’t read properly in the Matlab mex function provided in InflowWind v1.00.01a-bjj. I’ve fixed this in a new archive for v1.00.01b-bjj, which you’ll have to download if you want to use that option.