Dear Jason,
This is the ‘‘readfile_BTS.m’’ script:
[code]function [velocity, twrVelocity, y, z, zTwr, nz, ny, dz, dy, dt, zHub, z1,mffws] = readfile_BTS(FileName,fileFmt)
%[velocity, twrVelocity, y, z, zTwr, nz, ny, dz, dy, dt, zHub, z1,mffws] = readfile_BTS(FileName,fileFmt)
% Author: Bonnie Jonkman, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
% Input:
% FileName - string: contains file name (.bts extension) to open
% fileFmt - string: optional, contains format of grid points.
% Output:
% velocity - 4-D array: time, velocity component (1=U, 2=V, 3=W), iy, iz
% twrVelocity - 3-D array: time, velocity component, iz
% y - 1-D array: horizontal locations y(iy)
% z - 1-D array: vertical locations z(iz)
% zTwr - 1-D array: vertical locations of tower points zTwr(iz)
% nz, ny - scalars: number of points in the vertical and horizontal
% directions of the grid
% dz, dy, dt - scalars: distance between two points in the vertical
% [m], horizontal [m], and time [s] dimensions
% zHub - scalar: hub height [m]
% z1 - scalar: vertical location of bottom of grid [m above ground level]
% mffws - scalar: mean hub-height wind speed
if ( nargin < 2 )
fileFmt = ‘int16’;
nffc = 3;
fid = fopen( FileName );
if fid > 0
% get the header information
tmp = fread( fid, 1, 'int16'); % TurbSim format identifier (should = 7 or 8 if periodic), INT(2)
nz = fread( fid, 1, 'int32'); % the number of grid points vertically, INT(4)
ny = fread( fid, 1, 'int32'); % the number of grid points laterally, INT(4)
ntwr = fread( fid, 1, 'int32'); % the number of tower points, INT(4)
nt = fread( fid, 1, 'int32'); % the number of time steps, INT(4)
dz = fread( fid, 1, 'float32'); % grid spacing in vertical direction, REAL(4), in m
dy = fread( fid, 1, 'float32'); % grid spacing in lateral direction, REAL(4), in m
dt = fread( fid, 1, 'float32'); % grid spacing in delta time, REAL(4), in m/s
mffws = fread( fid, 1, 'float32'); % the mean wind speed at hub height, REAL(4), in m/s
zHub = fread( fid, 1, 'float32'); % height of the hub, REAL(4), in m
z1 = fread( fid, 1, 'float32'); % height of the bottom of the grid, REAL(4), in m
Vslope(1) = fread( fid, 1, 'float32'); % the U-component slope for scaling, REAL(4)
Voffset(1) = fread( fid, 1, 'float32'); % the U-component offset for scaling, REAL(4)
Vslope(2) = fread( fid, 1, 'float32'); % the V-component slope for scaling, REAL(4)
Voffset(2) = fread( fid, 1, 'float32'); % the V-component offset for scaling, REAL(4)
Vslope(3) = fread( fid, 1, 'float32'); % the W-component slope for scaling, REAL(4)
Voffset(3) = fread( fid, 1, 'float32'); % the W-component offset for scaling, REAL(4)
% Read the description string: "Generated by TurbSim (vx.xx, dd-mmm-yyyy) on dd-mmm-yyyy at hh:mm:ss."
nchar = fread( fid, 1, 'int32'); % the number of characters in the description string, max 200, INT(4)
asciiINT = fread( fid, nchar, 'int8' ); % the ASCII integer representation of the character string
asciiSTR = char( asciiINT' );
disp( ['Reading from the file ' FileName ' with heading: ' ] );
disp( [' "' asciiSTR '".' ] ) ;
% get the grid information
nPts = ny*nz;
nv = nffc*nPts; % the size of one time step
nvTwr = nffc*ntwr;
% velocity = zeros(nt,nffc,nPts);
velocity = zeros(nt,nffc,ny,nz);
twrVelocity = zeros(nt,nffc,ntwr);
if strcmpi(fileFmt,'float32')
Voffset = 0.0*Voffset;
Vslope = ones(size(Vslope));
for it = 1:nt
%get the grid points
[v, cnt] = fread( fid, nv, fileFmt ); % read the velocity components for one time step
if ( cnt < nv )
disp([ it nt ny nz nffc nv cnt])
error(['Could not read entire file: at grid record ' num2str( (it-1)*(nv+nvTwr)+cnt ) ' of ' num2str(nt*(nv+nvTwr))]);
ip = 1;
for iz = 1:nz
for iy = 1:ny
for k=1:nffc
velocity(it,k,iy,iz) = ( v(ip) - Voffset(k))/Vslope(k) ;
ip = ip + 1;
end %k
end %iy
end % iz
%get the tower points
if nvTwr > 0
[v, cnt] = fread( fid, nvTwr, fileFmt ); % read the velocity components for the tower
if ( cnt < nvTwr )
error(['Could not read entire file: at tower record ' num2str( (it-1)*(nv+nvTwr)+nv+cnt ) ' of ' num2str(nt*(nv+nvTwr))]);
for k=1:nffc % scale the data
twrVelocity(it,k,:) = (v(k:3:nvTwr) - Voffset(k))/Vslope(k);
end %it
error(['Could not open the wind file: ’ FileName]) ;
y = [0:ny-1]dy - dy(ny-1)/2;
z = [0:nz-1]*dz + z1;
zTwr = z1 - [0:ntwr-1]*dz;
it is in MATLAB script code so I just call it from MATALB and as as far as I know,I only need to change the FileName to my wind file in .bts format, right?