Dear Wind Turbine Aerodynamics Modeling Enthusiast,
You are cordially invited to participate in a kick-off meeting of a project to overhaul the AeroDyn aerodynamics software library. The meeting will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, February 6 and 7, 2008 at the National Wind Technology Center. The overhaul will be work performed by NREL researchers; however, we would like to incorporate your feedback regarding how the code should be modified and improved.
An invitation letter that contains general information about the meeting, the reasons for the AeroDyn overhaul, and possible modifications and improvements to the software is available here [url]National Wind Technology Center's Information Portal | Wind Research | NREL.
We ask that you kindly RSVP with your intention to participate to Jason Jonkman by Friday, January 25, 2008. If you would like to share a presentation regarding particular opinions about any one of the code modifications, please let us know in your RSVP. Let us know if you have any questions.
We look forward to seeing you in Colorado in February!
Best regards,
Jason Jonkman
+1 (303) 384 - 7026
Marshall Buhl
+1 (303) 384 - 6914
Pat Moriarty
+1 (303) 384 - 7081
Sandy Butterfield
+1 (303) 384 - 6902
Dear Wind Turbine Aerodynamics Modeling Enthusiast,
A Strategic Planning meeting of the DOE Wind Energy program has been scheduled and conflicts with the dates we selected for the AeroDyn overhaul kick-off meeting. As such, key members of the NREL wind program will be out of the office and unable to attend the AeroDyn meeting on Wednesday and Thursday, February 6 and 7. Therefore, we have decided to push back the AeroDyn meeting by one week to Wednesday and Thursday, February 13 and 14. We inquired of those who have already confirmed their attendance if it was acceptable to change the dates. Because the response from this inquiry was positive, the change has been made. An updated invitation letter is available here [url]National Wind Technology Center's Information Portal | Wind Research | NREL.
If you have not already done so, we ask that you kindly RSVP with your intention to participate to Jason Jonkman by Friday, February 1, 2008. (This date has also been pushed back by one week.) As before, if you would like to share a presentation regarding particular opinions about any one of the code modifications, please let us know in your RSVP. Let us know if you have any questions.
We apologize for the inconvenience regarding the change of dates. The meeting conflict, however, was beyond our control.
Best regards,
Jason Jonkman
+1 (303) 384 - 7026
Marshall Buhl
+1 (303) 384 - 6914
Pat Moriarty
+1 (303) 384 - 7081
Sandy Butterfield
+1 (303) 384 - 6902
Dear Wind Turbine Aerodynamics Modeling Enthusiast,
The response to our AeroDyn overhaul kick-off meeting invitation has been excellent, with over 25 people already confirming their attendance. Please remember that the dates for the meeting are Wednesday and Thursday, February 13 and 14. If you have not already done so, we ask that you kindly RSVP with your intention to participate to Jason Jonkman by this week Friday, February 1. As before, if you would like to share a presentation regarding particular opinions about any one of the code modifications, please let us know when you RSVP.
Several people have also asked us if they could participate in the meeting remotely. We do now plan on arranging a net-meeting and an audio conference call. This will allow remote attendees to see the presentations on their computers and participate in the conversations over the phone. If you plan on participating for all or a portion of the meeting in this way, please let us know when you RSVP. We will leave the net-meeting and conference line open from approximately 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. local Colorado time both days. Here is the login information:
To access the web site you must use Internet Explorer (it will not work with Firefox)
Select “Join an Event” on the right side of the page
Enter the meeting number: 741138908
Enter the passcode: 8616978
Enter your name
This should bring you to the web conference room
Now dial the conference call line +1 (203) 320 - 2183; the toll-free line for US participants is (866) 781 - 1556
Enter the passcode (8616978) when asked
Please let us know if you have any questions.
We look forward to seeing you in Colorado in February!
Best regards,
Jason Jonkman
+1 (303) 384 - 7026
Marshall Buhl
+1 (303) 384 - 6914
Pat Moriarty
+1 (303) 384 - 7081
Sandy Butterfield
+1 (303) 384 - 6902
Dear Wind Turbine Aerodynamics Modeling Enthusiast,
The AeroDyn overhaul kick off meeting took place on Wednesday and Thursday, February 13 and 14 at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Colorado. The presentations given at the meeting, as well as the meeting minutes, are available at [url]National Wind Technology Center's Information Portal | Wind Research | NREL.
The meeting was a tremendous success, with great discussion and feedback. Fifty attendees participating in total, both in person and through a net meeting. Thank you to everyone who participated. I hope that those who travelled to Colorado made it back home safely and that those who attended through the net meeting found the format acceptable.
For ongoing communication and feedback regarding the AeroDyn development project, we’ve established a web-based forum. The forum specific to the project can be accessed at [url]NREL Forum - The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Everyone who is interested should subscribe to “New Topics” and to each specific topic they want to follow or contribute to. (To do this, go to the page for the topic and click on “Watch this topic for replies” on the bottom left of the page.) We will periodically post updates on our progress and ask for feedback when needed. Please feel free to post your own comments at any time.
We hope that our efforts will result in an improved set of aerodynamic routines that are beneficial to the wind turbine community.
Best regards,
Jason Jonkman
+1 (303) 384 - 7026
Marshall Buhl
+1 (303) 384 - 6914
Pat Moriarty
+1 (303) 384 - 7081
Sandy Butterfield
+1 (303) 384 - 6902