Instruction for the Seismic fast version

Dear Sir,

I need to make some changes to the source code. But the errors as mentioned in the couple of previous posts do not allow me to move forward with compiling issues. I would request of you could take some time recompile fast v7 seismic case with Bladed DLL with some latest compiler tool to overcome compilation issues.

Dear @Kashyap.Subham,

NREL is not able to provide free compiling services. Please work through your compiling issues or use the precompiled binary executables provided by NREL if no changes to the source code are required.

NREL is also available to hired as a consultant for industry clients who need ongoing technical support.

Best regards,

Would you also help me to find consultant to know more about this software ?

Dear @Muhammad.Irfan,

I just sent you a personal message through the forum.

Best regards,

would you like to check why i can run this example and you also see file arrange in one folder is that ok or not ?

Dear @Muhammad.Irfan,

I’m sorry, but I’m not sure I understand your question; please clarify.

Best regards,