How to use TurbSim_TIMESR and USRINP

Thank you for all your help.

  1. How to use WindProfileType “PL” when using TIMESR.
    When I set WindProfileType to “PL”, I get the following error.
    I do not know where and how to set it.
    I would like to know how to set it up and sample data.

Error message
Calculating the spectral and transfer function matrices:.
u-component matrices (general coherence model)
CalcFourierCoeffs:CalcFourierCoeffs_General:Error in Cholesky factorization: LAPACK_SPPTRF:.
Leading minor order 41 of A is not positive definite, so Cholesky factorization could
The error occurred in the u-component.
The error occurred in the u-component coherence matrix at frequency 1 (1.25000E-03 Hz) Check the
input file for invalid physical properties or modify the coherence.

(2) Setting of TurbSim_User.timeSeriesInput
I created a TurbSim_User.timeSeriesInput file to use TIMESR, but an error occurs when I input more than 6000 lines.
Is it not possible to input more than 6000 lines?

(4) When I input data created with TIMESR into OpenFAST, I get an error.
When wind data created with TIMESR in 1 second increments is read and analyzed by OpenFAST, the following error occurs.
How can I solve this problem?
If I input wind data created with “TurbModel=IECKAI” for the same wind conditions, the analysis succeeds.

Error message
Processed 800 time steps of 1-Hz grid-field data (period of 800 seconds).
Time: 0 of 800 seconds.
Warning: SkewedWakeCorrection encountered a large value of chi (171 deg), so the yaw correction
will be limited. This warning will not be repeated though the condition may persist. See the AD15
chi output channels, and consider turning off the Pitt/Peters skew model (set SkewMod=1) if this
condition persists.

The BEM solution is being turned off due to low TSR. (TSR = 0). This warning will not be
repeated though the condition may persist. (See GeomPhi output channel.)

angle assumption violated in SUBROUTINE SmllRotTrans() due to a large tower deflection (ElastoDyn
SetCoordSy). The solution may be inaccurate. Simulation continuing, but future warnings from
SmllRotTrans() will be suppressed.
Additional debugging message from SUBROUTINE SmllRotTrans(): 5.00000E-03 s
etVelAcc:Grid3DField_GetCell: Error: GF wind array was exhausted at 1.00000E-02 seconds (trying
to access data at NaN seconds).
ield_GetCell: Error: GF wind array was exhausted at 1.00000E-02 seconds (trying to access data at
NaN seconds).
ield_GetCell: Error: GF wind array was exhausted at 1.00000E-02 seconds (trying to access data

OpenFAST encountered an error at simulation time 0 of 800 seconds.
Simulation error level: FATAL ERROR

  1. Visualization of wind data created in TurbSim
    What methods and tools are available for visualization?
    I would like to visualize the wind around a wind turbine and wind turbine as shown in Figure 17 of the TurbSim manual (v2.00.00).

Dear @Yosuke.Matsumoto,

Here are my responses:

  1. If the coherence is tied to shear, my guess is that you using the old alpha release of TurbSim (e.g., TurbSim v2.00.07a-bjj); is that correct? If so, upgrading to the version of TurbSim available in OpenFAST should solve this issue. You can find a precompiled executable of TurbSim for Windows within OpenFAST here:

  2. What error are you receiving?

  3. These OpenFAST warnings and errors suggest that your model is numerically unstable right when the simulation starts. Can you clarify what is different between the IECKAI model set-up that does run and the TIMESR model set-up that doesn’t? Are the mean wind speeds between the simulations the same?

  4. I asked Bonnie Jonkman who wrote the TurbSim v2.0 manual and she said that the visualization of Figure 17 was generated in MATLAB. The MATLAB script readfile_BTS.m can be used to read the TurbSim binary output file into memory, from which you can use MATLAB’s plotting functionality to visualize the turbulence field. I don’t believe the script used to plot the turbulence field together with the wind turbine visualization is available.

Best regards,

Thank you.

1), 2), 3)
Using “v3.4.1/TurbSim_x64.exe.” solved the problem. Thank you.
I had been using “TurbSim v2.00.07a-bjj”.


I have a new question and request.

I would like to see the manual for “v3.4.1/TurbSim_x64.exe.”. Please let me know where the manual is available.

I think “v3.4.1/TurbSim_x64.exe.” is very useful and easy to use. I would love to see it published directly on the official TurbSim website as well." This site has a link to “OpenFAST · GitHub”. However, I could not reach the information about “v3.4.1/TurbSim_x64.exe.” When you update TurbSim, please publish it at the top of the official site along with the manual.

Dear @Yosuke.Matsumoto,

The nrel. gov website is a repository for legacy software. All active development of software related to OpenFAST (including pre- and post-processing) takes place on the OpenFAST GitHub repository.

The documentation of TurbSim v2 provided on the nrel. gov site is nearly up-to-date. There have only been a few minor changes to TurbSim made within the OpenFAST GitHub repository. Unfortunately, the TurbSim documentation has not yet been ported over to OpenFAST readthedocs; in lieu of that, the TurbSim v2 User’s Guide has been linked directly from readthedocs:

Best regards,

I appreciate your response, it is much appreciated.