File Conversion (From FAST v6 to FAST v8)


I downloaded the files of the barge, tlp, etc. from your server. Some of them are compatible with FAST v6.0. Is there any way to make them compatible with FAST v8?

Thank your very much,

Best regards,

Dear Fernando,

The various models of the NREL 5-MW turbine are now directly available in the CertTest of FAST v8:

Test18: Land-based NREL 5-MW wind turbine
Test19: NREL 5-MW turbine atop the OC3-monopile
Test22: NREL 5-MW turbine atop the ITI Energy barge
Test23: NREL 5-MW turbine atop the MIT/NREL TLP
Test24: NREL 5-MW turbine atop the OC3-Hywind spar buoy

Tests 20, 21, and 25 are coming soon with the next release. These are the NREL 5-MW turbine atop the OC3-tripod, OC4-jacket, and OC4-DeepCwind semisubmersible, respectively.

Moreover, because the changes to the input files are significant, we have created Matlab scripts to automatically convert FAST v7.x input files to FAST 8.03.02b-bjj input files. See the FAST v8 readme file for more information: … _FAST8.pdf.

Best regards,

Dear Jason,

Thank you very much for your quickly reply.

Best regards,

Hey everyone,

can someone tell me where I can find the Matlab tool to convert the files? Unfortunately I cannot find the path that is mentioned in README_FAST8.pdf.

Thank you and best regards

Dear Peter,

Please see the directory “Utilities\SimulationToolbox\ConvertFASTVersions” included with the archive of FAST v8.

Best regards,

Dear Jason,

I got a problem that when I try to convert FAST v7 input file into FAST v8 input file using function ‘ConvertFAST7to8’ in FAST v8 SimulationToolbox file, I got a error message says:

Undefined function ‘GetOutListParameters’ for input arguments of type ‘char’.

Error in ConvertFAST7to8 (line 60)
[~, ~, ~, ServoDyn_Channels ] = GetOutListParameters( XLS_file, ‘ServoDyn’ );

Can I ask about why this happens and how should I fix this error? Thank you very much!

Sincere regards,


Did you add the FAST SimulationTool box to your MATLAB path? It sounds like MATLAB can’t find the GetOutListParameters routine.

If not, run the following commands in MATLAB before running the conversion script:

FASTSimulationToolbox = '<your FAST8 directory>\UtilityCodes\SimulationToolbox'; addpath( genpath( FASTSimulationToolbox ) );

Dear Bonnie,

Thank you very much for your reply. However, after I add the FAST SimulationTool box to my MATLAB path, I still got error information:

GetFastPar:: Parameter TwrFile not found.
Warning: Inputs must be character arrays or cell arrays of strings.

In ConvertFAST7to8 at 95
Error using textscan
First input can not be empty.

Error in GetFullFileName (line 7)
fileName = textscan(inFile,‘%q’,1); % remove quotes if necessary

Error in ConvertFAST7to8 (line 96)
[OldTwrFile, TwrWasRelative] = GetFullFileName( TwrFile, oldDir );

I am very sorry for bothering you with such kind of questions, but could you please give me some advice about how could I fix it by myself?

I am referred to the function ‘ConvertFAST7to8’ by the error message, however, in the exact code of this function, there is a line says:
FP = Fast2Matlab(inputfile,4);

but it seems like I cannot get access to enough information about the function ‘Fast2Matlab’ by searching Internet, could you please give me some advice about this? Thank you very much!

Sincere regards,

Fast2Matlab is a function in the SimulationToolbox included with FAST v8. (you will find it in the utilities folder). Also, when MATLAB prints error messages, you can typically click on the line number of the error and MATLAB will open the function in its editor.

I am guessing there is something different about the TwrFile input in your FAST v7 input file. It looks like it thinks the file name is empty, so maybe your FAST v7 input file didn’t have a label called “TwrFile”? That’s where I’d look first.

Hi Bonnie,

It seems that I have successfully transformed FAST v7 input file into FAST v8 format input file thanks to your instructions. However, when I replace my original FAST v7 data and input files with FAST v8 format data and input files generated by the function ‘ConvertFAST7to8(inputfile,newDir)’ in the new directory and then execute FAST, it fails to generate FAST output file as it did before when I was using FAST v7 data and input files. So could you please give me some advice about this problem? Thank you very much!

Dear Qiyun,

Do you get some error when you run FAST v8? What does it say?

Best regards,

Dear Jason,

The strange thing is that I did not get error information, it seems that FAST did execute but it just did not generate any output file as it did when I was using FAST v7. Thank you very much.

Sincere regards,

Dear Qiyun,

Does the screen say, “FAST terminated normally.”? Does FAST generate any files, such as *.sum or *.outb?

Best regards,

Dear Jason,

No, it doesn’t. I run FAST through Matlab and after my code processes the execution command of FAST in Matlab, nothing shows on the command window of Matlab(“FAST terminated normally.” does not appear), FAST does not generate any files such as *.sum or *.outb either. Thank you very much.

Sincere regards,


What happens if you run FAST from a Windows command prompt (not through Matlab)?

If you are running it through Matlab, are you doing something like this command:system( '..\bin\FAST_Win32.exe Test01.fst' ) If FAST doesn’t run, there should be some indication of what is wrong (either an error in Matlab or an error in FAST). If FAST did run, you should see version information and a bunch of messages in the Matlab Command Window.

Hi Bonnie,

When I run FAST from a Windows command prompt and type

‘FAST [FAST input file name].fst’ in the windows command window,

it says that ‘FAST’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

Thank you very much.

Please refer to the “Running FAST” section of the FAST v8 documentation. You need to specify the name of the FAST executable: for FAST v8, we distribute files called “FAST_Win32.exe” and “FAST_x64.exe” which are located in the “bin” directory.

Hi Bonnie,

Thank you for your information. I can run FAST v8 through Windows command prompt now. However, I got the warning message says that Blade #1 element #4 is supersonic. Other elements are likely supersonic as well. Could I ask about why this happens? Thank you very much!

Dear Qiyun,

Warnings regarding a “small angle approximation violation,” warnings regarding “supersonic blades,” a simulation crash, or very large deflections that occur in the time series near the start of a simulation are good signs of a numerical instability. Without knowing more about your simulation settings, it’s hard to know that what the problem is. Please use “Search…” in the upper right of the forum to search for “supersonic” to see how we’ve solved similar problems in the past.

Best regards,

Hi everyone,

I am trying to convert a FAST v7 file to FAST v8. For that, I am using the function ConvertFAST7to8 in Matlab R2014a.

When I type the function with the input file and the old path, this erros appears:

[b]Converting sim.fst:
old name: C:\Users\itrojaola\Desktop\DLC_FAST7\sim.fst
new name: C:\Users\itrojaola\Documents\Iker\sim.fst

GetFastPar:: Parameter CompNTMD not found.
GetFastPar:: Parameter TwrLdMod not found.
WARNING: output channel WindVxi is no longer valid.
WARNING: output channel WindVyi is no longer valid.
WARNING: output channel WindVzi is no longer valid.
WARNING: output channel TotWindV is no longer valid.
GetFastPar:: Parameter AeroFile not found.
Warning: Inputs must be character arrays or cell arrays of strings.

In ConvertFAST7to8 at 254
Error using textscan
First input can not be empty.

Error in GetFullFileName (line 7)
fileName = textscan(inFile,‘%q’,1); % remove quotes if necessary

Error in ConvertFAST7to8 (line 255)
[FullAeroFile,ADWasRelative] = GetFullFileName( AeroFile, oldDir ); % old path + name[/b]

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,