Sorry for the long post, I want to be as descriptive as possible.
Yes, you are right in that I sent you a slightly different .fst file than the one corresponding to that error, however, the errors are very similar. I have figured out that the problem is with my AeroFile, or AeroDyn, or ADFile, something like that. Here is a part of the original v7 code:
---------------------- AERODYN -------------------------------------------------
"Test01_AD.ipt" ADFile - Name of file containing AeroDyn input parameters (quoted string)
---------------------- NOISE ---------------------------------------------------
"unused" NoiseFile - Name of file containing aerodynamic noise input parameters (quoted string) [used only when CompNoise=True]
---------------------- ADAMS ---------------------------------------------------
"AWT_ADAMS.dat" ADAMSFile - Name of file containing ADAMS-specific input parameters (quoted string) [unused when ADAMSPrep=1]
---------------------- LINEARIZATION CONTROL -----------------------------------
"AWT_Linear.dat" LinFile - Name of file containing FAST linearization parameters (quoted string) [unused when AnalMode=1]
and here is Test01_AD.ipt
[code]AWT-27CR aerodynamic parameters for FAST certification test #1.
SI SysUnits - System of units for used for input and output [must be SI for FAST] (unquoted string)
BEDDOES StallMod - Dynamic stall included [BEDDOES or STEADY] (unquoted string)
NO_CM UseCm - Use aerodynamic pitching moment model? [USE_CM or NO_CM] (unquoted string)
DYNIN InfModel - Inflow model [DYNIN or EQUIL] (unquoted string)
SWIRL IndModel - Induction-factor model [NONE or WAKE or SWIRL] (unquoted string)
0.005 AToler - Induction-factor tolerance (convergence criteria) (-)
PRANDtl TLModel - Tip-loss model (EQUIL only) [PRANDtl, GTECH, or NONE] (unquoted string)
NONE HLModel - Hub-loss model (EQUIL only) [PRANDtl or NONE] (unquoted string)
“Wind/AWT27/Shr12_30.wnd” AeroFile - Name of file containing wind data (quoted string)
42.672 HH - Wind reference (hub) height [TowerHt+Twr2Shft+OverHang*SIN(ShftTilt)] (m)
0.3 TwrShad - Tower-shadow velocity deficit (-)
1.0 ShadHWid - Tower-shadow half width (m)
2.432 T_Shad_Refpt - Tower-shadow reference point (m)
1.225 AirDens - Air density (kg/m^3)
1.4639e-5 KinVisc - Kinematic air viscosity (m^2/sec)
0.004 DTAero - Time interval for aerodynamic calculations (sec)
10 NumFoil - Number of airfoil files (-)
“AeroData/AWT27/AWT27_05.dat” FoilNm - Names of the airfoil files [NumFoil lines] (quoted strings)
10 BldNodes - Number of blade nodes used for analysis (-)
RNodes AeroTwst DRNodes Chord NFoil PrnElm
1.81265 5.80 1.2573 0.859 1 NOPRINT
3.06995 5.20 1.2573 1.045 2 NOPRINT
4.32725 4.66 1.2573 1.145 3 NOPRINT
5.58455 3.73 1.2573 1.124 4 NOPRINT
6.84185 2.64 1.2573 1.054 5 NOPRINT
8.09915 1.59 1.2573 0.976 6 NOPRINT
9.35645 0.73 1.2573 0.885 7 NOPRINT
10.61375 0.23 1.2573 0.775 8 NOPRINT
11.87105 0.08 1.2573 0.651 9 NOPRINT
13.12835 0.03 1.2573 0.493 10 NOPRINT
As you can see, there is a parameter called AeroFile in here, that corresponds to a wind file, and here is that one:
! Wind file for sheared 18 m/s wind with 30 degree direction.
! Time Wind Wind Vert. Horiz. Vert. LinV Gust
! Speed Dir Speed Shear Shear Shear Speed
0.0 12.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0
0.1 12.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0
999.9 12.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0
Now I have tried making the parameter ADFile in Test01.fst AeroFile instead, and I get all of these:
[code]Converting Test01.fst:
old name: Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\v7\CertTest\Test01.fst
new name: Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\CertTest\Test01.fst
GetFastPar:: Parameter CompNTMD not found.
GetFastPar:: Parameter TwrLdMod not found.
GetFastPar:: Parameter ADFile not found.
GetFastPar:: Parameter InflowFile not found.
GetFastPar:: Parameter WindFile not found.
WARNING: CompElast not found in the FAST data structure. Default value listed below (from template file, Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\Utilities\SimulationToolbox\ConvertFASTVersions\TemplateFiles\FAST_Primary_v8.15.x.dat) will be used instead:
WARNING: CompIce not found in the FAST data structure. Default value listed below (from template file, Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\Utilities\SimulationToolbox\ConvertFASTVersions\TemplateFiles\FAST_Primary_v8.15.x.dat) will be used instead:
WARNING: BDBldFile(1) not found in the FAST data structure. Default value listed below (from template file, Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\Utilities\SimulationToolbox\ConvertFASTVersions\TemplateFiles\FAST_Primary_v8.15.x.dat) will be used instead:
WARNING: BDBldFile(2) not found in the FAST data structure. Default value listed below (from template file, Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\Utilities\SimulationToolbox\ConvertFASTVersions\TemplateFiles\FAST_Primary_v8.15.x.dat) will be used instead:
WARNING: BDBldFile(3) not found in the FAST data structure. Default value listed below (from template file, Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\Utilities\SimulationToolbox\ConvertFASTVersions\TemplateFiles\FAST_Primary_v8.15.x.dat) will be used instead:
WARNING: IceFile not found in the FAST data structure. Default value listed below (from template file, Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\Utilities\SimulationToolbox\ConvertFASTVersions\TemplateFiles\FAST_Primary_v8.15.x.dat) will be used instead:
WARNING: ChkptTime not found in the FAST data structure. Default value listed below (from template file, Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\Utilities\SimulationToolbox\ConvertFASTVersions\TemplateFiles\FAST_Primary_v8.15.x.dat) will be used instead:
WARNING: WrVTK not found in the FAST data structure. Default value listed below (from template file, Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\Utilities\SimulationToolbox\ConvertFASTVersions\TemplateFiles\FAST_Primary_v8.15.x.dat) will be used instead:
WARNING: VTK_type not found in the FAST data structure. Default value listed below (from template file, Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\Utilities\SimulationToolbox\ConvertFASTVersions\TemplateFiles\FAST_Primary_v8.15.x.dat) will be used instead:
WARNING: VTK_fields not found in the FAST data structure. Default value listed below (from template file, Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\Utilities\SimulationToolbox\ConvertFASTVersions\TemplateFiles\FAST_Primary_v8.15.x.dat) will be used instead:
WARNING: VTK_fps not found in the FAST data structure. Default value listed below (from template file, Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\Utilities\SimulationToolbox\ConvertFASTVersions\TemplateFiles\FAST_Primary_v8.15.x.dat) will be used instead:
GetFastPar:: Parameter TwrShadow not found.
Error using Matlab2FAST (line 34)
Template file, Z:\Dr. White
not found.
Error in ConvertFAST7to8 (line 311)
Matlab2FAST(ADPar, ADtemplate, outputFile, 2); %contains 2 header lines
Error in ConvertFiles (line 66)
So I left that the way it was and added a parameter AeroFile being the wind file, I get just about the same thing:
[code]Converting Test01.fst:
old name: Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\v7\CertTest\Test01.fst
new name: Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\CertTest\Test01.fst
GetFastPar:: Parameter CompNTMD not found.
GetFastPar:: Parameter TwrLdMod not found.
GetFastPar:: Parameter InflowFile not found.
GetFastPar:: Parameter WindFile not found.
GetFastPar:: Parameter HH not found.
GetFastPar:: Parameter RefHt not found.
WARNING: CompElast not found in the FAST data structure. Default value listed below (from template file, Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\Utilities\SimulationToolbox\ConvertFASTVersions\TemplateFiles\FAST_Primary_v8.15.x.dat) will be used instead:
WARNING: CompIce not found in the FAST data structure. Default value listed below (from template file, Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\Utilities\SimulationToolbox\ConvertFASTVersions\TemplateFiles\FAST_Primary_v8.15.x.dat) will be used instead:
WARNING: BDBldFile(1) not found in the FAST data structure. Default value listed below (from template file, Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\Utilities\SimulationToolbox\ConvertFASTVersions\TemplateFiles\FAST_Primary_v8.15.x.dat) will be used instead:
WARNING: BDBldFile(2) not found in the FAST data structure. Default value listed below (from template file, Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\Utilities\SimulationToolbox\ConvertFASTVersions\TemplateFiles\FAST_Primary_v8.15.x.dat) will be used instead:
WARNING: BDBldFile(3) not found in the FAST data structure. Default value listed below (from template file, Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\Utilities\SimulationToolbox\ConvertFASTVersions\TemplateFiles\FAST_Primary_v8.15.x.dat) will be used instead:
WARNING: multiple occurrences of AeroFile in the FAST data structure.
WARNING: IceFile not found in the FAST data structure. Default value listed below (from template file, Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\Utilities\SimulationToolbox\ConvertFASTVersions\TemplateFiles\FAST_Primary_v8.15.x.dat) will be used instead:
WARNING: ChkptTime not found in the FAST data structure. Default value listed below (from template file, Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\Utilities\SimulationToolbox\ConvertFASTVersions\TemplateFiles\FAST_Primary_v8.15.x.dat) will be used instead:
WARNING: WrVTK not found in the FAST data structure. Default value listed below (from template file, Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\Utilities\SimulationToolbox\ConvertFASTVersions\TemplateFiles\FAST_Primary_v8.15.x.dat) will be used instead:
WARNING: VTK_type not found in the FAST data structure. Default value listed below (from template file, Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\Utilities\SimulationToolbox\ConvertFASTVersions\TemplateFiles\FAST_Primary_v8.15.x.dat) will be used instead:
WARNING: VTK_fields not found in the FAST data structure. Default value listed below (from template file, Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\Utilities\SimulationToolbox\ConvertFASTVersions\TemplateFiles\FAST_Primary_v8.15.x.dat) will be used instead:
WARNING: VTK_fps not found in the FAST data structure. Default value listed below (from template file, Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\Utilities\SimulationToolbox\ConvertFASTVersions\TemplateFiles\FAST_Primary_v8.15.x.dat) will be used instead:
GetFastPar:: Parameter TwrShadow not found.
Error using Matlab2FAST (line 34)
Template file, Z:\Dr. White
not found.
Error in ConvertFAST7to8 (line 311)
Matlab2FAST(ADPar, ADtemplate, outputFile, 2); %contains 2 header lines
Error in ConvertFiles (line 66)
So like I said, it is tripping up with something to do with the Aero files. Do you have any thoughts? Some of the other things I have thought about: I have tried using matlab 2015b and 2016a, perhaps those handle things a little differently than 2014b? Also, in the convertfiles.m that comes with the v8 executable file I am pretty sure that first part is only if you have 8.12 files that you’re trying to convert, is that right? Even though the comment for the second half says v7 to 8.12, I looked through the code and it looks like that was supposed to be 8.15, correct? Unless something really weird is going on where you convert v7 to 8.12 and then 8.12 to 8.15, but I don’t think that’s what it’s trying to do. Anyway, I modified it like this, do you see any problems, maybe with the directories?
[code]%Conversion of FAST v 7.x or FAST v8.12.x files to FAST v8.13.x
% by Bonnie Jonkman
% based on work by Paul Fleming
% (c) 2011, 2013-2015 National Renewable Energy Laboratory
clear all;
FASTSimulationToolbox = ‘Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\Utilities\SimulationToolbox’;
addpath( genpath( FASTSimulationToolbox ) );
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Convert FAST v8.12.* files to FAST v8.15.*
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% FAST CertTests
% oldDir = ‘C:\Users\bjonkman\Documents\DATA\DesignCodes\simulators\FAST\SVNdirectory\branches\BJonkman\CertTest’;
% newDir = ‘.’;
% for i= 1:26
% baseFileName = [‘Test’ num2str(i,‘%02.0f’) ]; %‘_noHD’
% inputfile = [oldDir filesep baseFileName ‘.fst’];
% ConvertFAST8_12to15(inputfile,newDir);
% end
% return
% ConvertFAST8_12to15([oldDir filesep ‘Test19_noHD.fst’],newDir);
% ConvertFAST8_12to15([oldDir filesep ‘Test19_withIce.fst’],newDir);
% ConvertFAST8_12to15([oldDir filesep ‘Test21_withIce.fst’],newDir);
% return;
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Convert FAST v7.* files to FAST v8.12.*
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
oldDir = ‘Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\v7\CertTest’;
newDir = ‘Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\CertTest’;
outFileDir = ‘Z:\Dr. White research\FAST\v7\CertTest’;
% templateDir = ‘TemplateFiles\V8.00.x\5MW_Monopile’;
% XLS_file = ‘…\OutListParameters.xlsx’;
%test 9: YawManRat = 3.729000
%test 11: PitManRat(1) = 16.600000
for i= 1:1
% Primary input file:
baseFileName = ['Test' num2str(i,'%02.0f') ];
inputfile = [oldDir filesep baseFileName '.fst'];
if i==9
outputfile = [outFileDir filesep baseFileName '.out'];
[YawManRat, PitManRat] = CalculateYawAndPitchRates(inputfile, outputfile);
% YawManRat = 3.729000;
elseif i==11
outputfile = [outFileDir filesep baseFileName ‘.out’];
[YawManRat, PitManRat] = CalculateYawAndPitchRates(inputfile, outputfile);
% PitManRat(1) = 16.6;
Thank you for your patience,