Community Rules

This forum is not for amateurs or advertisers. If you are just looking for a place to learn about wind energy, this is not the place for you. This forum is for experienced professionals or students involved in wind or water power.

We try to support all users, but please realize that we can’t offer unlimited support to free data and open-source software. Please be respectful of our time by trying to work through problems yourself before asking questions. Read the appropriate user’s guides and theory manuals; read the FAQ and use our forum’s search feature before asking questions. If you still have unanswered questions, please post them on our forum. It is far easier to support our extensive user base if everyone makes use of the forum.

Also, some of us are experts in certain areas and not everyone can answer all questions. Sometimes the person who is the expert for your question is out of the office and cannot respond right away. It might take a week or two for us to respond. We also sometimes get very busy trying to meet milestones and don’t have time to help immediately.

Please be patient. If we have not responded after two weeks, please follow up with another post.


It is U.S. Department of Energy policy that we do not post job opportunities on these forums. We have been directed by management to delete any such posts, so please save us the effort. We will not deactivate your account for posting jobs unless you do it repeatedly.

This is a troll-free zone!

The is also a spam-free zone!

Violators of these two rules will be banished and all their posts will be deleted.

If you would like to know how the word “spam” came to be associated with unwanted junk, watch this video:

[url]Monty Python - Spam - YouTube

Marshall Spam Spam Eggs and Spam Buhl

We have many different forums and we would appreciate it if you would post your messages in the appropriate forums. For instance, if you have a question about a feature for FAST, do not post it in the Structural Analysis forum even if it is about structures. All questions about our software should go in the Computer-Aided Engineering Software Tools forum.

I will often move topics to more-appropriate forums, so please do not be surprised if your posting disappears–it may just be in another place. You can always click on the View your posts link in the upper-left corner of the window to see all your posts.

Occasionally a forum member posts the exact same question under multiple topics or forums. When this happens, I will most likely delete the duplicate posts. Please post your question only one time, and–as mentioned earlier in these community rules–if you do need to follow up because no one has answered, please do so under the same topic.