dear sir
i never used it but , i have intention to try WT_perf ;
my question is:
can i edit WT_perf output file to give those vectors: Vr^2 * c and Ct over r
Vr relative velocity
c chord
Ct tangential coeficient
r radius
Dear Nacer,
As discussed in other topics on this forum, WT_Perf is no longer supported by NREL, but has been effectively replaced by CCBlade or the standalone driver for AeroDyn v15.
Best regards,
thanks sir
sor for those two tools .
can i manipulate them to have thoses vectors that i need??
thanks for your replay
Dear Nacer,
Yes, in both CCBlade and AeroDyn v15 you can output the local relative velocity and local tangential coefficient.
Best regards,
hi jason
i am working on my own code for optimization , i am not familiar with aerodyn .
i would like to have those outputs if somone can make an execution for me for any wind velocity let say 11 m/s . for NRAL phase VI wind trubine.
i want to have those vectors if possible
Vr: relative velocity
Ct: tangential coefficient
q: torque along the blade
and r radious vector used.
i will use them in my code .
i will be vey thankfull
Hi Nacer,
NREL is not in the position to run cases for you. But the tools are available for you to run yourself.
Best regards,
ok jason
the link to donwlaod please
Dear Nacer:
Here are the links:
Best regards,