Web Address of WT_Pref


I’m working on control system, and I’m reading a paper called Advanced Control Design for Wind Turbines which is downloaded from [url]http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy08osti/42437.pdf[/url]. In section 3.2, it refers to a Cp versus TSR and pitch surface, and mentions that surface is usually determined by using an aerodynamics code such as WT_Pref, and it also supplies the web address [url]http://nwtc/designcodes/simulators/wtperf/WT_Perf.pdf[/url]. But, I can’t open that address. So I doubt if NREL still support this code, or the web address has been changed.


Dear Yingyu,

We pulled the most recent version of WT_Perf from our website because users ran into problems that we didn’t have time to fix. Please see the following forum topic for information about WT_Perf’s status: WT_Perf being removed from distribution.

Our effort recently has been on updating the BEM solver of AeroDyn, from which we developed a standalone wrapper that will replace WT_Perf. The release of this overhaul of AeroDyn will happen later this month.

The forum topic linked above recommends CCBlade (nwtc.nrel.gov/CCBlade) as a replacement for WT_Perf, which was developed under NREL’s Systems Engineering initiative, but will be replaced by the new standalone AeroDyn.

Another option is FAST.

Best regards,

Dear Jason,

I have problems in installing CCBlade, so is there any other software for achieving a power coefficient versus TSR curve?

Thank you.

Dear Yingyu,

The previous post answers your question–the NREL tools capable of calculating a power coefficient versus TSR curve are standalone AeroDyn (due out soon), CCBlade, and FAST. I have no experience with CCBlade, so, can’t help with that.

Best regards,

Dear Jason,

I got it. Thank you.