Hello Duncan,
WEIS does not yet fully support BeamDyn. With the code below, you can generate BeamDyn files from the yaml files. Note however that I wrote the script for the IEA22 GitHub - IEAWindTask37/IEA-22-280-RWT: Repository for 22MW offshore reference wind turbine developed by the IEA Wind Task 37, where the yaml was generated at DTU running BECAS. WEIS integrates WISDEM, which integrates PreComp. PreComp ignores shear stiffness, and so you cannot simply go from WEIS to BeamDyn. At NREL, we usually generate BeamDyn files by running SONATA GitHub - ptrbortolotti/SONATA, which is however a fragile code.
I hope this helps.
Best regards,
import ruamel_yaml as ry
import ruamel.yaml as ry
raise ImportError("No module named ruamel.yaml or ruamel_yaml")
import numpy as np
from weis.aeroelasticse.FAST_writer import InputWriter_OpenFAST
path2yaml = 'IEA-22-280-RWT.yaml'
reader = ry.YAML(typ="safe", pure=True)
with open(path2yaml, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
input_yaml = reader.load(f)
el_props = input_yaml['components']['blade']['elastic_properties_mb']['six_x_six']
# Write BeamDyn file
fst_vt = {}
fst_vt["BeamDyn"] = {}
fst_vt["BeamDyn"]['BldFile'] = 'blade'
fst_vt['BeamDynBlade'] = {}
fst_vt['BeamDynBlade']['station_total'] = len(el_props['reference_axis']['x']['grid'])
fst_vt['Fst'] = {}
fst_vt['outlist'] = {}
fst_vt['outlist']['BeamDyn'] = {}
# BeamDyn options
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['Echo'] = False
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['QuasiStaticInit'] = True
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['rhoinf'] = 0
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['quadrature'] = 2
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['refine'] = "DEFAULT"
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['n_fact'] = "DEFAULT"
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['DTBeam'] = "DEFAULT"
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['load_retries'] = "DEFAULT"
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['NRMax'] = "DEFAULT"
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['stop_tol'] = "DEFAULT"
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['tngt_stf_fd'] = "DEFAULT"
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['tngt_stf_comp'] = "DEFAULT"
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['tngt_stf_pert'] = "DEFAULT"
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['tngt_stf_difftol'] = "DEFAULT"
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['RotStates'] = True
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['member_total'] = 1
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['order_elem'] = 10
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['BldFile'] = "IEA22_BeamDyn_Blade.dat"
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['UsePitchAct'] = False
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['PitchJ'] = 0.
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['PitchK'] = 0.
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['PitchC'] = 0.
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['SumPrint'] = False
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['OutFmt'] = "ES10.3E2"
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['NNodeOuts'] = 0
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['OutNd'] = ''
channel_list = ["TipTDxr", "TipTDyr", "TipTDzr", "TipRDxr", "TipRDyr", "TipRDzr", "RootMxr", "RootMyr", "RootMzr"]
fst_vt['outlist']['BeamDyn'] = {}
for channel in channel_list:
fst_vt['outlist']['BeamDyn'][channel] = True
# BeamDyn 3D reference axis
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['kp_total'] = len(el_props['reference_axis']['x']['grid'])
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['members'] = [{}]
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['members'][0]['kp_xr'] = el_props['reference_axis']['x']['values']
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['members'][0]['kp_yr'] = el_props['reference_axis']['y']['values']
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['members'][0]['kp_zr'] = el_props['reference_axis']['z']['values']
fst_vt['BeamDyn']['members'][0]['initial_twist'] = np.deg2rad(el_props['twist']['values'])
# Rayleigh damping
fst_vt['BeamDynBlade']['damp_type'] = 1
# Tune damping
delta = np.array([0.03, 0.03, 0.03]) # logarithmic decrement, natural log of the ratio of the amplitudes of any two successive peaks. 3% flap and edge torsion
zeta = 1. / np.sqrt(1.+(2.*np.pi / delta)**2.) # damping ratio, dimensionless measure describing how oscillations in a system decay after a disturbance
# zeta = np.array([0.0015, 0.0015, 0.01]) # Damping ratio edge 0.15% flap 0.15% torsion 1%
# omega = np.array([0.5, 0.7, 5.])*2*np.pi # Frequency (rad/s), flap/edge
# mu1 = 2*zeta[0]/omega[0]
# mu2 = 2*zeta[1]/omega[1]
# mu3 = 2*zeta[2]/omega[2]
mu1 = 2.955e-3
mu2 = 2.424e-3
mu3 = 1.0e-8
fst_vt['BeamDynBlade']['mu1'] = mu1
fst_vt['BeamDynBlade']['mu2'] = mu2
fst_vt['BeamDynBlade']['mu3'] = mu3
fst_vt['BeamDynBlade']['mu4'] = mu2
fst_vt['BeamDynBlade']['mu5'] = mu1
fst_vt['BeamDynBlade']['mu6'] = mu3
# Stiffness in the BD coordinate system
fst_vt['BeamDynBlade']['radial_stations'] = el_props['stiff_matrix']['grid']
Krow = np.array(el_props['stiff_matrix']['values'])
Irow = np.array(el_props['inertia_matrix']['values'])
K = np.zeros((len(Krow),6,6))
I = np.zeros((len(Krow),6,6))
for i in range(len(Krow)):
K[i,0,:] = Krow[i][:6]
K[i,1,:] = Krow[i][[1,6,7,8,9,10]]
K[i,2,:] = Krow[i][[2,7,11,12,13,14]]
K[i,3,:] = Krow[i][[3,8,12,15,16,17]]
K[i,4,:] = Krow[i][[4,9,13,16,18,19]]
K[i,5,:] = Krow[i][[5,10,14,17,19,20]]
I[i,0,:] = Irow[i][:6]
I[i,1,:] = Irow[i][[1,6,7,8,9,10]]
I[i,2,:] = Irow[i][[2,7,11,12,13,14]]
I[i,3,:] = Irow[i][[3,8,12,15,16,17]]
I[i,4,:] = Irow[i][[4,9,13,16,18,19]]
I[i,5,:] = Irow[i][[5,10,14,17,19,20]]
fst_vt['BeamDynBlade']['beam_stiff'] = K
fst_vt['BeamDynBlade']['beam_inertia'] = I
fastout = InputWriter_OpenFAST()
fastout.fst_vt = fst_vt
fastout.FAST_runDirectory = 'IEA-22-280-RWT/OpenFAST'
fastout.FAST_namingOut = 'IEA-22-280-RWT'