Wind ramp simulation in OpeFast


Is there a way to create a wind ramp up and ramp down (cut-in to cut-out and back from cut-out to cut-in) simulation in OpenFast. If, so, what wind file should be used.


Dear @Karthik.Prakash,

For simple wind time histories, such as step changes in the wind speed, you can generate a “uniform wind” data file by hand rather than using a wind file generated by TurbSim and use that data by selecting WindType = 2 in InflowWind. Information on the format of uniform wind data files is described here: And you can find an example of such a file in the following forum post:

Best regards,

Hi Jason,

I was thinking of creating something like shown below. The purpose was to create this wind ramp with non turbulent wind to understand how the system is working like pitching, when is rated power, torque, rpm reached etc.

Dear @Karthik.Prakash,

Looks like a smoothed version of the stepped wind ramp I sent you yesterday. Such a wind ramp is easily defined in a uniform wind data file.

Best regards,