Step wind change input

Dear all,

I was trying to implement a step wind change at certain time as an input but, it is possible?

I did not see nothing on documentation and neither in the code.

Thanks in advance,

Dear Joe,

It is easy to specify wind input to FAST v8 with step changes by using “uniform wind” files. See the documentation supplied with the InflowWind module for instructions: In older versions of FAST, the “uniform wind” files were called “hub-height” wind files and were entered in the AeroDyn input file instead of an InflowWind input file.

Best regards,

Dear Jonkman,

Thank you for you fast answer. I found it!

Best regards,

Dear Jason,

I am also looking for ways to create steady, uniform wind files that have either a constant rate of change or staircase-like step changes in the wind speed for an OpenFAST v2.3.0 turbine model.

In the “UAE_Upwind_Rigid_WRamp_PwrCurve” r-test, the wind speed ramp is achieved through the use of a .wnd file (WindType=2 in the InflowWind input file). I looked up the TurbSim User Manual (version 1.06.00) but didn’t find any mentioning of how to create that kind of wind file.

Then I came across this forum post and I’d like to learn more. However the link to the Inflow Wind User Manual is broken and I could not find any other source online. Could you re-share this document?

Thank you,

Dear Jing,

The uniform wind data files can be created by hand or with simple scripts.

As I announced here: Other News, the … sp=sharing.

Best regards,

Dear Jason,

Thank you for the link to the User Manual!

Upon taking a look at the “PwrCrv.wnd” file used for the “UAE_Upwind_Rigid_WRamp_PwrCurve” r-test, now it’s clear to me how I should set up the wind file.

Best regards,


I am developing a controller using simulink and openfast for my master thesis.
I followed these steps and was able to successfully create a wind step input. Sadly, one of the simulink blocks that I used (that receives as input the wind speed) does not accept constant values. Thus, I wanted to add a little turbulence to my step so it is not constant. How do I do this? There is no column in the “uniform wind file” for turbulence.
(I also tried to use small ramps instead of steps, but (since the slope needs to be very low) the block doesnt work with that as well. )

Best regards,

Dear @Joana.Urbano,

I’m not sure I understand the connection between “uniform wind files” and Simulink that you are referring to.

Regardless, normally when simulating turbulence, we do so with “full-field wind files” that include spatial-temporal variations in turbulence, e.g., generated synthetically using TurbSim (“uniform wind files” can only include temporal variations).

Best regards,

Dear @Jason.Jonkman,

Thank you very much for your answer.

I just meant that I created an uniform wind file, as explained in the docs, for my step wind (which worked).
However, during the simulink simulation, I noticed that one of the blocks that I use does not work with constant inputs. That is why I wanted to add turbulence to my step, to see if the simulink block worked with that.
I thought that I could add turbulence to my step input through the uniform wind file. Since you told me that adding turbulence is not possible in uniform wind files, I will try in TurbSim.

Best regards,
Joana Urbano

Dear @Joana.Urbano,

Well, you could make the data in a uniform wind file stochastic, e.g., with a time series derived from a given wind spectrum, resulting in time-variations in wind speed. I am just saying that normally when we consider turbulence, we consider both time and spatial variations, e.g., using TurbSim.

Best regards,

Dear @Jason.Jonkman,

I was able to do an uniform wind file stochastic.

Thank you very much for your time and ideas.

Best regards,
Joana Urbano