Dear community,
my name is Leonidas and i am writing my thesis on a novel floating platform to support a 10MW Wind Turbine. I am facing the following problem. I am trying to plot visually the platform. Particularly, i am switching the WrVTK in animation mode in the .fst file but when i try to run openFAST i get the error
‘‘FAST_InitializeAll:SetVTKParameters:Cannot do surface visualization without using AeroDyn.’’ I don’t know why i get this error because i have switched CompAero to 1 (Aerodyn v14) .
Thank you in advance!
Dear @Leonidas.Vagenas,
Which version of FAST/OpenFAST are you using? (I can’t find that exact error message in the current code base.) Regardless, to be more precise, the message should specifically mention AeroDyn v15. You can only visualize the surface geometry of the rotor blades when using AeroDyn v15 (not AeroDyn v14).
Regarding the visualization of the floating platform, please note the following known issue in OpenFAST: Visualizing Offshore Support Structures · Issue #776 · OpenFAST/openfast · GitHub.
Best regards,
Dear @Jason.Jonkman,
thank you a lot for the quick reply. I am using FAST v8.16* version. I read your post about the current version and the visualization of the platform. So, i can plot the platform with the current version I am using but I have to download the AeroDyn v15 for the blades as well, because i am missing the corresponding files for AeroDyn v15?
Best regards,
Leonidas Vagenas
Dear @Leonidas.Vagenas,
I agree that you should be able to visualize the floating platform in FAST v8.16. (The issue I referred to was introduced in OpenFAST v2.6.)
AeroDyn v15 is already included in FAST v8.16, so, no need to “download”. But you’ll have to convert your AeroDyn v14 input files to be be compatible with AeroDyn v15 and enable v15 instead of v14. Moreover, there have been many improvements to AeroDyn v15 over the years, so, I would suggest upgrading to OpenFAST so that you can take advantage of the improved functionality.
Best regards,
Dear, @Jason.Jonkman
I would like to thank you very much. Your suggestions were very helpful, direct and helped me a lot.
Best regards,
Leonidas Vagenas