Many Thanks @Garrett.Barter for getting back. I tired the approach and is pasting the code below. The code ran without any error, but I could not see the results neither the results
folder was created.
__author__ = ["Nikhar Abbas", "Jake Nunemaker"]
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020, National Renewable Energy Laboratory"
__maintainer__ = ["Nikhar Abbas", "Jake Nunemaker"]
__email__ = ["", ""]
import os
from fnmatch import fnmatch
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import ruamel.yaml as ry
from pCrunch import LoadsAnalysis, PowerProduction, FatigueParams
from import load_FAST_out
from pCrunch.utility import save_yaml, get_windspeeds, convert_summary_stats
def valid_extension(fp):
return any([fnmatch(fp, ext) for ext in ["*.outb", "*.out"]])
# Define input files paths
output_dir = "C:/Users/prakakar/source/pCrunch/pCrunch/postProcessing/"
results_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "results")
save_results = True
# Find outfiles
outfiles = [
os.path.join(output_dir, f)
for f in os.listdir(output_dir)
if valid_extension(f)
# Configure pCrunch
magnitude_channels = {
"RootMb1": ["RootMxb1", "RootMyb1", "RootMzb1"],
fatigueparme = FatigueParams(lifetime=20.0, load2stress=1.0, slope=10.0, ult_stress=1.0, S_intercept=1.0)
#fatigue_channels = {"RootMb1": 10}
fatigue_channels = {"RootMb1": fatigueparme}
#fatigue_channels = {"RootMb1": fatigueparme}
channel_extremes = [
# fatigueparme = FatigueParams(lifetime=20.0, load2stress=1.0, slope=10.0, ult_stress=1.0, S_intercept=1.0)
# =============================================================================
# # Configure pCrunch
# magnitude_channels = {
# "RootMc1": ["RootMxc1", "RootMyc1", "RootMzc1"],
# "RootMc2": ["RootMxc2", "RootMyc2", "RootMzc2"],
# "RootMc3": ["RootMxc3", "RootMyc3", "RootMzc3"],
# }
# fatigue_channels = {"RootMc1": 10, "RootMc2": 10, "RootMc3": 10}
# channel_extremes = [
# "RotSpeed",
# "RotThrust",
# "RotTorq",
# "RootMc1",
# "RootMc2",
# "RootMc3",
# ]
# =============================================================================
# Run pCrunch
la = LoadsAnalysis(
#la = LoadsAnalysis( outfiles, magnitude_channels=magnitude_channels, fatigue_channels=fatigue_channels, extreme_channels=channel_extremes, trim_data=(0,),fatigueparme)
if save_results:
# =============================================================================
# # Load case matrix into dataframe
# fname_case_matrix = os.path.join(output_dir, "case_matrix.yaml")
# with open(fname_case_matrix, "r") as f:
# case_matrix = ry.load(f, Loader=ry.Loader)
# cm = pd.DataFrame(case_matrix)
# # Get wind speeds for processed runs
# windspeeds, seed, IECtype, cm_wind = get_windspeeds(cm, return_df=True)
# # Get AEP
# turbine_class = 1
# pp = PowerProduction(turbine_class)
# AEP, perf_data = pp.AEP(
# la.summary_stats,
# windspeeds,
# ["GenPwr", "RtAeroCp", "RotSpeed", "BldPitch1"],
# )
# print(f"AEP: {AEP}")
# =============================================================================
# # ========== Plotting ==========
# an_plts = Analysis.wsPlotting()
# # --- Time domain analysis ---
# filenames = [outfiles[0][2], outfiles[1][2]] # select the 2nd run from each dataset
# cases = {'Baseline': ['Wind1VelX', 'GenPwr', 'BldPitch1', 'GenTq', 'RotSpeed']}
# fast_dict = fast_io.load_FAST_out(filenames, tmin=30)
# fast_pl.plot_fast_out(cases, fast_dict)
# # Plot some spectral cases
# spec_cases = [('RootMyb1', 0), ('TwrBsFyt', 0)]
# twrfreq = .0716
# fig,ax = fast_pl.plot_spectral(fast_dict, spec_cases, show_RtSpeed=True,
# add_freqs=[twrfreq], add_freq_labels=['Tower'],
# averaging='Welch')
# ax.set_title('DLC1.1')
# # Plot a data distribution
# channels = ['RotSpeed']
# caseid = [0, 1]
# an_plts.distribution(fast_dict, channels, caseid, names=['DLC 1.1', 'DLC 1.3'])
# # --- Batch Statistical analysis ---
# # Bar plot
# fig,ax = an_plts.stat_curve(windspeeds, stats, 'RotSpeed', 'bar', names=['DLC1.1', 'DLC1.3'])
# # Turbulent power curve
# fig,ax = an_plts.stat_curve(windspeeds, stats, 'GenPwr', 'line', stat_idx=0, names=['DLC1.1'])