Dear @Jason.Jonkman ,
How can I get the LDD’s, Markovs, DEL etc. for a set a simulations. Is there a set of tools that I can use or should I change certain parameters in the .fst files to generate the same.
Best regards,
Dear @Jason.Jonkman ,
How can I get the LDD’s, Markovs, DEL etc. for a set a simulations. Is there a set of tools that I can use or should I change certain parameters in the .fst files to generate the same.
Best regards,
Dear @Karthik.Prakash,
OpenFAST computes time-domain responses. You can post-process one or more OpenFAST simulation output files in a number of ways to calculate statistics, DELs, etc. For example you can post-process time-series output files from OpenFAST through our MATLAB-based post-processors MCrunch (general post processing, MCrunch | Wind Research | NREL), MExtremes (for extreme event tables, MExtremes | Wind Research | NREL), and MLife (for short-time and lifetime DELS and damage, MLife | Wind Research | NREL). A python-based version of these MATLAB-based post-processors has been initiated in tool called pCrunch (GitHub - OpenFAST/python-toolbox), but pCrunch doesn’t yet support the full functionality of the MATLAB-based post-processors.
Best regards,