Hi everybody
I am a new learner of FAST and also i work with FAST V 8.16a-bjj and matlab v2014b. I wanted to run DFIG such as instruction of document 59195 Appendix B, at first just for one output “GenSpeed” to ensure it works properly. I changed 3 files and saved them with new names. My changes are: PCMode=4, TPcon=5, VSControl=1, Tmax=100, DT=0.0005, but unfortunately after running an error occured.
I searched alot and i read guidances on pdfs (59195, FAST, README_FAST8) several times but i couldn’t understand how deal with this error.
I’ll be really appreciate if anyone help.
Dear Faeze,
My guess is that you haven’t included output parameter “GenSpeed” in your ElastoDyn output list, so, Simulink can’t find a string match. Have you?
Best regards,
Dear Jason,
Thank you for your kind reply. Yes you are right, I don’t have “GenSpeed” in my ElastoDyn output list, Is it possible to manipulate output list in order to get “GenSpeed” or any other outputs that i don’t have them in output list?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards.
Dear Faeze,
Every FAST module has a number of available output parameters. To include GenSpeed in the output list, add “GenSpeed” to the OutList section of the ElastoDyn primary input file.
Best regards,
Dear Jason,
Thanks a lot for your reply.
Yours respectfully
Dear Jason,
I added “Genspeed” and another desired output parameters to the OutList section of the ElastoDyn primary input file, but the error still exists and a new error occurred. I tried my best and overcame new error. Unfortunately, the primary error still exists. Please, could you help me to solve the error ?
Thank you for your consideration,
Dear Faeze,
Are there any errors written to the MATLAB Command Window?
Best regards,
Dear Faeze,
Regarding the error, the FAST v8 ReadMe file notes the following:
You can get around this problem by clearing out all variables in the MATLAB workspace except for OutList and rerunning your Simulink model.
However, I’m a bit puzzled by what you are showing in Test12_ElastoDyn_1 and Test12_1.ED. First the OutList parameters do not show up in the same order between the input file and output summary file. Second, “GenPwr” is not a valid output parameter of ElastoDyn (“GenPwr” is an output parameter of ServoDyn. Third, “WindSpeed” is not a valid output parameter of ElastoDyn (or any other FAST module). Are you using some customized version of FAST where you’ve modified the OutList processing of ElastoDyn?
Best regards,
Dear Jason,
Thanks for all your explanations.
1.I downloaded FAST from here: [url]https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxxzwiqM4tKtZGhNXzdEVHl3M1E/view[/url]
2.I added my desired outputs in ElastoDyn because I didn’t have them in my OutList. I cleared out all variables in the MATLAB workspace except for OutList and rerun my Simulink model but error still exist and new error occurred. I attach new error.
3. I think I made a mistake I shouldn’t add them in Test12.ED, I erased it but errors didn’t solve.
4. I didn’t understand what you meant with this sentence:” what you are showing in Test12_ElastoDyn_1 and Test12_1.ED. First the OutList parameters do not show up in the same order between the input file and output summary file.” Would you explain more, please?
5. Eventually , I’d like to have “GenSpeed”,”RotSpeed”,”GenPwr”(Generator Power) , “WindSpeed” in my output except “WindSpeed” that you said is not a valid output parameter of ElastoDyn (or any other FAST module). Couldn’t I add others in Test12_ElastoDyn?
Respectfully yours,
Dear Faeze,
Just a few comments/questions:
- I’m not familiar with the version of FAST available in that Google Drive. Is this some customized version of FAST compiled by one of your collaborators? How is this version different than the standard NREL-provided version of FAST?
- FAST_InputFIleName should be set by running the script called Run_OpenLoop.m.
- By my comment, “the OutList parameters do not show up in the same order between the input file and output summary file,” I mean that the output parameters specified in the ElastoDyn input file “Test12_ElastoDyn_1” are in a different order than what show up in the ElastoDyn output summary file “Test12_1.ED”. This reordering of the output variables should not happen if you are using the standard version of FAST. But again, maybe you are using a customized version of FAST?
- You can only add output parameters that are recognized by the FAST program, and “WindSpeed” is not one of those parameters. That said, the InflowWind module of FAST does allow you to output wind speeds.
Best regards,
Dear Jason,
I don’t know if this version of FAST is customized or not and also I don’t know how this version is different than the standard NREL-provided version of FAST. I got it from one of my classmates. I downloaded FASTv8.16.00a-bjj from here[url]National Wind Technology Center's Information Portal | Wind Research | NREL and I want to use it. I hope my problem will solve.
Thanks a lot for your guidance.
Best regards,