I am working with FAST by using Simulink for control. I faced the error stated below.
Error using Run_Fuku2_Nrel_AntiWindup_Just_to_run_mannual_fixing_txt (line 179)
Error due to multiple causes.
Caused by:
Error using Run_Fuku2_Nrel_AntiWindup_Just_to_run_mannual_fixing_txt (line 179)
Error reported by S-function 'FAST_SFunc' in 'power_partwvd_1_2018a/FAST Nonlinear Wind Turbine/S-Function':
FAST_InitializeAll:AD_Init:Init_AFIparams:AFI_Init:ReadAFfile:Airfoil data should go from -180 to 180 and the
coefficients at the ends should be the same.
FAST_InitializeAll:HydroDyn_Init:Waves_Init:VariousWaves_Init:Cannot allocate array InitOut%WaveVel.
VariousWaves_Init:Cannot allocate array InitOut%PWaveVel0.
VariousWaves_Init:Cannot allocate array InitOut%PWaveAcc0.
VariousWaves_Init:Cannot allocate array InitOut%nodeInWater.
Error using Run_Fuku2_Nrel_AntiWindup_Just_to_run_mannual_fixing_txt (line 179)
The expression: u(strmatch('GenSpeed',OutList))
in 'power_partwvd_1_2018a/Generator Speed'
has a syntax error
Error using Run_Fuku2_Nrel_AntiWindup_Just_to_run_mannual_fixing_txt (line 179)
The expression: u(strmatch('BldPitch1',OutList))
in 'power_partwvd_1_2018a/Pitch Angle'
has a syntax error
Can you suggest me how to solve these problems?
Thank you so much in advance.
Danupon Subanapong