Plotting *.out files


Is there a tool to plot the contents of the *.out files of an OpenFast simulation.

Best regards,

Dear @Karthik.Prakash,

The MATLAB Toolbox (GitHub - OpenFAST/matlab-toolbox: Collection of Matlab tools developed for use with OpenFAST), Python Toolbox (GitHub - OpenFAST/python-toolbox), MATLAB-based MCrunch post-processor (MCrunch | Wind Research | NREL), and Python-based viewer (GitHub - ebranlard/pyDatView: A crossplatform GUI to plot tabulated data from files (e.g. CSV, Excel, OpenFAST, HAWC2, Flex...), or python pandas dataframes) all of functionality to plot OpenFAST output.

Best regards,

@Jason.Jonkman Thanks a lot.