Dear Jason,
By changing the nodes in the AeroDyn_blade by the one given in Test01 of the AeroDyn files and running it at AFAeroMod=1, I got the Cp at the right pitch angle and TSR as shown below.
AeroDyn_blade for 5MW NREL:
[code]------- AERODYN v15.00.* BLADE DEFINITION INPUT FILE -------------------------------------
NREL 5.0 MW offshore baseline aerodynamic blade input properties
====== Blade Properties =================================================================
19 NumBlNds - Number of blade nodes used in the analysis (-)
BlSpn BlCrvAC BlSwpAC BlCrvAng BlTwist BlChord BlAFID
(m) (m) (m) (deg) (deg) (m) (-)
0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 1.3308000E+01 3.5420000E+00 1
1.3666500E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 1.3308000E+01 3.5420000E+00 1
4.0999500E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 1.3308000E+01 3.8540000E+00 1
6.8332500E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 1.3308000E+01 4.1670000E+00 2
1.0249950E+01 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 1.3308000E+01 4.5570000E+00 3
1.4349950E+01 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 1.1480000E+01 4.6520000E+00 4
1.8449950E+01 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 1.0162000E+01 4.4580000E+00 4
2.2549950E+01 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 9.0110000E+00 4.2490000E+00 5
2.6649950E+01 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 7.7950000E+00 4.0070000E+00 6
3.0749950E+01 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 6.5440000E+00 3.7480000E+00 6
3.4849950E+01 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 5.3610000E+00 3.5020000E+00 7
3.8949950E+01 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 4.1880000E+00 3.2560000E+00 7
4.3049950E+01 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 3.1250000E+00 3.0100000E+00 8
4.7149950E+01 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 2.3190000E+00 2.7640000E+00 8
5.1249950E+01 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 1.5260000E+00 2.5180000E+00 8
5.4666650E+01 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 8.6300000E-01 2.3130000E+00 8
5.7399950E+01 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 3.7000000E-01 2.0860000E+00 8
6.0133250E+01 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 1.0600000E-01 1.4190000E+00 8
6.1499900E+01 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 1.0600000E-01 1.4190000E+00 8
Thank you so much for the help and the guidance!
Kindest regards