Hi, everyone
I have some problems with the output parameters, “B1N1DynP”, “B1N1Fx” and “B1N1Fy”. Based on the “OutListParameters.excel” in the archive of FAST V8, I know the “B1N1Fx” and “B1N1Fy” refer to the normal and tangential forces to plane per unit length for Node 1 of Blade 1, and “B1N1DynP” means the dynamic pressure for Node 1 of Blade 1. If I want to employ these output parameters in my finite element model as the wind loading, How could I utilize these parameters? I have some ideas based on the attached figure, but I do not know whether it is right.
If I employ the parameters “B1N1Fx” and “B1N1Fy”, I prefer to adopt two methods:
- assuming only the forces per unit length at the nodes are accurate, the centering normal force at Node 3 could be calculated by B1N3Fx*(L2+L3)/2
- assuming the forces along the blade could be linearly interpolated, the concentrated force at Node 3 should be computed by ((B1N2Fx+B1N3Fx)/2+B1N3Fx)/2L2/2+((B1N3Fx+B1N4Fx)/2+B1N3Fx)/2L3/2
If I adopt the parameter “B1N1DynP”, How should I do?
Any hints would be much appreciated.
Best regards,