[i]Since there is a new module FEMooring in FAST v8.0, I tried to run the example provided with FAST. However, there is always an error when I am trying to elongate the simulation time from the default 60 seconds to 600 seconds or 3600 seconds.
When I tried to run the 600-second simulation, system will notice me that there is an error saying[/i]
[code]FATAL ERROR when writing binary output file: WrBinFAST: ERROR allocating memory output array (TmpOutArray) array.
ExitThis Program: FAST_EndMods:WrBinFAST: Error allocating memory for the temporary output array (TmpOutArray) array.
FAST encountered an error at simulation time 525.06 of 600 seconds.
Simulation error level: FATAL ERROR
Aborting FAST.[/code]
After I modified the simulation time from 60 seconds to 3600 seconds, it says:
FAST_Solution0:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption2:SrvD_CalcOutput:Running with torque
and pitch control of the NREL offshore 5MW baseline wind turbine from DISCON.dll as written by J.
Jonkman of NREL/NWTC for use in the IEA Annex XXIII OC3 studies. Includes modifications for ITI
forrtl: severe (41): insufficient virtual memoryl completion at 16:43:16.
All I did in the input file is changing the simulation time in the .fst file.
I would appreciate it if someone have experience with NREL Offshore 5MW ITI Barge4 in FAST can help me with this issue.