Error during the Simulation of NREL ITI Barge 4 via FAST

[i]Since there is a new module FEMooring in FAST v8.0, I tried to run the example provided with FAST. However, there is always an error when I am trying to elongate the simulation time from the default 60 seconds to 600 seconds or 3600 seconds.

When I tried to run the 600-second simulation, system will notice me that there is an error saying[/i]

[code]FATAL ERROR when writing binary output file: WrBinFAST: ERROR allocating memory output array (TmpOutArray) array.
ExitThis Program: FAST_EndMods:WrBinFAST: Error allocating memory for the temporary output array (TmpOutArray) array.

FAST encountered an error at simulation time 525.06 of 600 seconds.
Simulation error level: FATAL ERROR

Aborting FAST.[/code]

After I modified the simulation time from 60 seconds to 3600 seconds, it says:

FAST_Solution0:CalcOutputs_And_SolveForInputs:SolveOption2:SrvD_CalcOutput:Running with torque and pitch control of the NREL offshore 5MW baseline wind turbine from DISCON.dll as written by J. Jonkman of NREL/NWTC for use in the IEA Annex XXIII OC3 studies. Includes modifications for ITI Barge. forrtl: severe (41): insufficient virtual memoryl completion at 16:43:16.

All I did in the input file is changing the simulation time in the .fst file.
I would appreciate it if someone have experience with NREL Offshore 5MW ITI Barge4 in FAST can help me with this issue.

Dear Jiaqi,

In our own recent use of FEAMooring within FAST v8, we found a memory leak in FEAMooring that prevented running long simulations. We plan to fix this in the next release of FAST v8.

Best regards,

Dr. Jonkman,
Thank you for your reply.
Since I cannot run the simulation with FEAmooring in FAST currently, I am wondering when the next version of FAST v8 will be released.
Thank you for your time and effort.
Jiaqi Wang

The next version of FAST 8 should be available by the first week of October 2015. If you wish to recompile FAST so you can use FEAM before that time, you can use this updated FEAM source file, which has fixed the memory leak.