DEL frequency understanding

Hi @Jason.Jonkman

I was reading the mLife manual and came across the DEL frequency term as shown below. Can you help me understand what does that term mean and its importance.


Best regards,

Dear @Karthik,

A short-term DEL is the fixed load range (twice amplitude) at a fixed frequency that results in the same damage (in a Minerā€™s rule sense) as the stochastic signal. f^eq in the documentation you reference is this fixed (user-defined) frequency. Often f^eq is set to 1 Hz in wind energy applications.

Best regards,

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Thanks Jason. This helps.

Dear @Jason.Jonkman
I have one more query, can you help me understand the concept of ā€˜elapsed timeā€™

Tl: total elapsed time for all power production time series
Tj: total elapsed time of time series j

Dear @Karthik.Prakash,

ā€œElasped timeā€ simply refers to how long the oscillation lasts for. T_j is the length of simulation j (in seconds). T_l is the total length of all simulations in bin l (in seconds).

Best regards,

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Dear @Jason.Jonkman

Many Thanks for the clarification.

Best regards,