I am Yuan, from University of Connecticut.
Now I am using MLife to calculate the short term fatigue DEL of flapwise root moment and LSS Torque of NREL 5MW wind turbine for my current research. Some problems occur when I use MLife, I am wondering maybe some parameters I set in the input file of MLife are wrong. But I am not familiar with the theory of fatigue DEL calculation. Could someone help me work out it?
The error information and MLife input file is listed below.
[size=150]The error in Matlab says:[/size]
For colon operator with char operands, first and last operands must be char.
Error in read_value (line 77)
for i=1:NumVals
Error in read_settings (line 424)
FileInfo.TimeChan = cell2mat( read_value( ParamFile{1}{PLine+1}, ‘integer’, 1, ‘TimeChan’, ‘The channel
containing time.’, fidEcho ) );
Error in mlife (line 244)
[ Statistics, FileInfo, Fatigue ] = read_settings( settingsFile, dataDirectory );
[size=150]The MLif input file is as follows:[/size]
----- MLife version 1.0 Input File -------------------------------------------
Test #01 Baseline
----- Job Options ------------------------------------------------------------
true EchoInp Echo input to .echo as this file is being read.
true StrNames Use channel names following a “$” instead of numbers when specifying channels in this input file.
false OutData Output modified data array after scaling and calculated channels. (currently unavailable)
“%10.2e” RealFmt Format for outputting floating-point values.
“Test01” RootName Root name for output files.
----- Input-Data Layout ------------------------------------------------------
5 TitleLine The row with the file title on it (zero if no title is available).
0 NamesLine The row with the channel names on it (zero if no names are available or are specified below).
0 UnitsLine The row with the channel units on it (zero if no units are available or are specified below).
9 FirstDataLine The first row of data.
11 NumChans The number of channels in each input file.
ChanTitle ChanUnits Scale Offset PSF_Type NumCols rows of data follow. Title and units strings must be 10 characters or less.
“Time” “(sec)” 1.0 0.0 0
“WindVxi” “(m/sec)” 1.0 0.0 0
“WindVyi” “(m/sec)” 1.0 0.0 0
“WindVzi” “(m/sec)” 1.0 0.0 0
“GenPwr” “(kW)” 1.0 0.0 0
“GenTq” “(kN穖)” 1.0 0.0 0
“BldPitch1” “(deg)” 1.0 0.0 0
“RotSpeed” “(rpm)” 1.0 0.0 0
“GenSpeed” “(rpm)” 1.0 0.0 0
“RootMyb1” “(kN穖)” 1.0 0.0 0
“LSShftTq” “(kN穖)” 1.0 0.0 0
----- Calculated Channels ----------------------------------------------------
0 NumCChan The number calculated channels to generate.
1234567890 Seed The integer seed for the random number generator (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647).
Col_Title Units Equation Put each field in quotes. Titles and units are limited to 10 characters. NumCChan rows of data follow.
----- Load Roses -------------------------------------------------------------
0 nLoadRoses The number of load roses to generate.
Rose Name Units Channel1 Channel2 nSectors
----- Time and Wind Speed ----------------------------------------------------
1 TimeChan The channel containing time.
2 WSChan The primary wind-speed channel (used for mean wind speed and turbulence intensity, 0 for none).
----- Statistics and Extreme Events ------------------------------------------
true DoStats Generate statistics of all the channels.
true WrStatsTxt Write the stats to a text file?
false WrStatsXLS Write the stats to an Excel file?
0 NumSFChans Number of channels that will have summary statistics generated for them.
1 SFChans List of channels that will have summary statistics generated for them. Must number NumSFChans.
----- Fatigue ----------------------------------------------------------------
2 nFatigueChannels The number of rainflow channels. Next six lines ignored if zero.
0.0 FiltRatio The fraction of the maximum range of each channel used as a cutoff range for the racetrack filter. Use zero for no filter.
630720000 DesignLife Number of seconds in the design lifetime (20 years = 630720000 seconds).
1 Availability Fraction of the design life the turbine is operating when winds are between Vin and Vout
true BinCycles Bin the rainflow cycles?
0.5 UCMult Multiplier for binning unclosed cycles. (0 discards, 1 counts as a full cycle)
true DoShortTerm Compute simple (unweighted) damage-equivalent loads and damage rates.
false DoLife Do lifetime-related calculations?
false DoAggregate Compute a DELs and a damage result based on an aggregate of all the input files (does not use the wind spped distribution)
2 WeibullShape Weibull shape factor. If WeibullShape=2, enter the mean wind speed for WeibullScale.
10 WeibullScale Weibull scale factor. If WeibullShape<>2. Otherwise, enter the mean wind speed.
11.4 WSin Cut-in wind speed for the turbine.
25 WSout Cut-out wind speed for the turbine.
31 WSmax Maximum wind speed value for the wind-speed bins.
2 WSMaxBinSize Maximum width of a wind-speed bin.
true WrShortTermTxt Write short-term results to plain-text files?
false WrShortTermXLS Write short-term resultsto an Excel workbook?
false WrLifeTxt Write lifetime results to plain-text files?
false WrLifeXLS Write lifetime results to an Excel workbook?
10 EquivalentFrequency The frequency of the damage equivalent load (Hz)
true DEL_AsRange true = report DELs as a range value, false = report as a one-sided amplitude
3 DEL_Type 1 = fixed mean, 2 = zero mean, 3 = both
0 GoodmanFlag 0 = no Goodman correction, 1 = use Goodman correction, 2 = compute results with and without Goodman correction
Channel# NSlopes SNslopeLst BinFlag MaxBinWidth/Number TypeLMF LUlt BinWidth not used when BinCycles is false. nFatigueChannels rows of data follow. LUlt >> LMF
$RootMyb1$ 1 12 BW 145.5 494 152000
$LSShftTq$ 1 12 BW 60.0 161 9000
1 nGroups Number of fatigue groups
Group Name NChannels ChannelList
“Basic” 1 1 2
----- Input Files ------------------------------------------------------------
1 FileFormat Format of input files. 1 = FAST ascii, 2 = FAST binary
1 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 (Weibull-Weighted Normal Operation: NumNormFiles, PSF1, PSF2, PSF3, PSF4)
0 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 (Weibull-Weighted Idling: NumIdleFiles, PSF1, PSF2, PSF3, PSF4)
0 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.6 (Discrete Events: NumDiscFiles, PSF1, PSF2, PSF3, PSF4)