Hello, Jason.
I want to design 1.5MW wind turbine blade tip extension, if I cut off the original blade tip, from the cut section in a new length extension,wind turbine modeling is how to determine the extension section along the direction of the blade spread data? Can you provide some information or papers on blade extension? There are very few studies on this in China. Thank you .
Best regards!
Hi @GuanJun.Wang,
I’m not really sure I understand your question. Are you asking how to design a blade tip extension, or do you already have a blade tip extension design that you want to model in OpenFAST?
I’ve certain seen work presented on the topic of blade tip extension, but I’m not familiar with specific references to share with you.
Best regards,
Dear @GuanJun.Wang,
Information on the WindPACT 1.5-MW baseline wind turbine, from which the OpenFAST model was derived, is available in the following reports:
Regarding the airfoils of the WindPACT 1.5-MW baseline wind turbine, see a similar question asked recently on this forum: Data for NREL Airfoils.
Are you anticipating simulating your redesigned rotor in OpenFAST?
Best regards,
Good morning!0
Thank you, this is very helpful to me。 I am very confused now, I do not know how to get started to do wind turbine blade extension this topic, I can’t find an article on blade tip extension, please the teacher for guidance.
Looking forward to your reply.
Dear @GuanJun.Wang,
I already said that I don’t have references regarding tip extension to share with you. I’m not sure what more to recommend without a clear understanding of what you are trying to do.
Best regards,