Dear All,
I am following the modelling guidance in the FAST.Farm documentation to define farm wind boxes for a simulation with Mod_AmbWind=3. It seems that following the guidelines results in huge wind grids that cannot be computed by TurbSim in a reasonable time. For example, for (D=240m, Cmeander=1.9, U=4m/s, fmax=2Hz), the resulting low-resolution grid discretization in TurbSim is: (dT=0.25s, dY=10m, dZ=10m). For a 2x2 wind farm with 4D spacing, the grid dimensions would 1980mx780m, resulting in a 199x79 grid, so a total of 15721 grid points per timestep. Evidently, such a wind file would take an eternity to compute. Hence, my question is the following: what can be done to work around this issue? note that I am using the least conservative values recommended in the modelling guidelines (i.e. upper limits).
Another issue is that I am working with the IEA 15MW offshore turbine and, to calculate the wind grid parameters as specific in the modelling guidelines, some properties of the turbine are needed, namely: fmax and cmax. I cannot seem to find the values explicitly in the documentation of the reference wind turbine. Can someone guide me as to where I can find these values?
Thank you,