Synthetic fiber and chain modeling mooring lines

Dear everyone,
I’m currently having some problems modeling with moordyn, I’m trying to model a mooring line consisting of ‘chain-synthetic fiber-chain’, where for the EA of the synthetic fiber I’m using data from the product in question, as follows

Here is my moordyn file

--------------------- MoorDyn Input File ------------------------------------
MoorDyn v2 sample input file
---------------------- LINE TYPES -----------------------------------
TypeName   Diam    Mass/m     EA     BA/-zeta    EI         Cd     Ca     CdAx    CaAx
(name)     (m)     (kg/m)     (N)    (N-s/-)     (N-m^2)    (-)    (-)    (-)     (-)
Chain      0.333     685.0   3.27E+09    -1        0        1.11     0.82     0.2     0.27
Polyester  0.266     46.5    'MoorLinePolyester.dat'   -1    0    1.6   1.0   0.1   0.1
---------------------- POINTS ---------------------------------------
ID   Attachment  X       Y     Z      Mass   Volume  CdA    Ca
(#)   (word/ID) (m)     (m)   (m)    (kg)   (m^3)   (m^2)  (-)
1   Vessel  -58.000    0.000 -14.000     0    0    0    0
2   Connect  75.321    0.000 -24.000     0    0    0    0
3   Connect  231.205   0.000 -64.000     0    0    0    0
4   Fixed  -837.600    0.000 -200.000    0    0    0    0
5   Vessel   29.000   50.229 -14.000     0    0    0    0
6   Connect  66.601  115.459 -24.000     0    0    0    0
7   Connect  144.603 250.458 -64.000     0    0    0    0
8   Fixed   418.800  725.383 -200.000    0    0    0    0
9   Vessel   29.000  -50.229 -14.000     0    0    0    0
10  Connect  66.601  -115.459 -24.000     0    0    0    0
11  Connect  144.603 -250.458 -64.000     0    0    0    0
12   Fixed   418.800 -725.383 -200.000    0    0    0    0
---------------------- LINES ----------------------------------------
ID   LineType   AttachA  AttachB  UnstrLen  NumSegs  LineOutputs
(#)   (name)     (ID)     (ID)      (m)       (-)      (-)
1     Chain       2         1      20.00      4        -
1     Polyester   3         2      80.00      16       -
1     Chain       4         3     750.00      150        -
2     Chain       6         5      20.00      4        -
2     Polyester   7         6      80.00      16       -
2     Chain       8         7     750.00      150        -
3     Chain       10        9      20.00      4        -
3     Polyester   11        10     80.00      16      -
3     Chain       12        11    750.00      150     -
---------------------- OPTIONS -----------------------------------------
0.001         dtM           time step to use in mooring integration (s)
3000000       kbot          bottom stiffness (Pa/m)
300000        cbot          bottom damping (Pa-s/m)
0.1           dtIC          time interval for analyzing convergence during IC gen (s)
60           TmaxIC        max time for ic gen (s)
0.001         threshIC      threshold for IC convergence (-)
0             MU_KT          axial line friction coefficients
0             MU_KA          transverse line friction coefficients
"wavedynamic.dat"             WaterKin              the wave elevations are provided in a grid (-)
---------------------- OUTPUTS -----------------------------------------
------------------------- need this line -------------------------------------

Here is my EA file

--------------------------- Polyester -------------------------------------
Strain         Tension
(-)                (N)
0.0             0.0
0.9            1079100
2.6            2158200
4.1            3237300
5.6            4316400
7              5395500

This is the error I am getting, I don’t think I should be making the same mistake as error, what is the problem?

Best regards,


Upon verification from a colleague, Ryan Davies, we have determined that the EA file needs to be located in the same directory as the main OpenFAST executable. I would double check the location of your EA file in your OpenFAST run directory. Hopefully this solves the issue.


It’s glad to hear from you, so far I’ve been able to simulate it properly, but still have a little problem that I don’t know how to solve:
Here are some of the files I changed

--------------------- MoorDyn Input File ------------------------------------
MoorDyn v2 sample input file
---------------------- LINE TYPES -----------------------------------
TypeName   Diam    Mass/m     EA     BA/-zeta    EI         Cd     Ca     CdAx    CaAx
(name)     (m)     (kg/m)     (N)    (N-s/-)     (N-m^2)    (-)    (-)    (-)     (-)
Chain      0.333     685.0   3.27E+09    -1        0        1.11     0.82     0.2     0.27
Polyester  0.266     46.5    'MoorLinePolyester.dat'   -1    0    1.6   1.0   0.1   0.1
---------------------- POINTS ---------------------------------------
ID   Attachment  X       Y     Z      Mass   Volume  CdA    Ca
(#)   (word/ID) (m)     (m)   (m)    (kg)   (m^3)   (m^2)  (-)
1   Vessel  -58.000    0.000 -14.000     0    0    0    0
2   Free  -72.14    0.000 -28.14     0    0    0    0
3   Free  -128.71   0.000 -84.71     0    0    0    0
4   Fixed  -837.600    0.000 -200.000    0    0    0    0
5   Vessel   29.000   50.229 -14.000     0    0    0    0
6   Free  36.07  62.48 -28.14     0    0    0    0
7   Free  64.36 111.47 -84.71     0    0    0    0
8   Fixed   418.800  725.383 -200.000    0    0    0    0
9   Vessel   29.000  -50.229 -14.000     0    0    0    0
10  Free  36.07  -62.48 -28.14     0    0    0    0
11  Free  64.36 -111.47 -84.71     0    0    0    0
12  Fixed   418.800 -725.383 -200.000    0    0    0    0
---------------------- LINES ----------------------------------------
ID   LineType   AttachA  AttachB  UnstrLen  NumSegs  LineOutputs
(#)   (name)     (ID)     (ID)      (m)       (-)      (-)
1     Chain       2         1      20.00      2        p
2     Polyester   3         2      80.00      8       p
3     Chain       4         3     750.00      75        p
4     Chain       6         5      20.00      2        -
5     Polyester   7         6      80.00      8       -
6     Chain       8         7     750.00      75        -
7     Chain       10        9      20.00      2        -
8     Polyester   11        10     80.00      8      -
9     Chain       12        11    750.00      75     -
---------------------- OPTIONS -----------------------------------------
0.001         dtM           time step to use in mooring integration (s)
3000000       kbot          bottom stiffness (Pa/m)
300000        cbot          bottom damping (Pa-s/m)
0.1           dtIC          time interval for analyzing convergence during IC gen (s)
60           TmaxIC        max time for ic gen (s)
0.001         threshIC      threshold for IC convergence (-)
0             MU_KT          axial line friction coefficients
0             MU_KA          transverse line friction coefficients
"wavedynamic.dat"             WaterKin              the wave elevations are provided in a grid (-)
--------------------------- Polyester -------------------------------------
Strain         Tension
(-)                (N)
0.0             0.0
0.9            1079100
2.6            2158200
4.1            3237300
5.6            4316400
7              5395500

Here is a schematic of my 15MW model mooring lines with synthetic fibers 80m

  1. I noticed that my synthetic fiber line segments here show that the dangling chain line solution fails to start with linearization, I would like to know what causes this and if it affects my final calculation results?

  2. My calculations show a huge increase in the planar motion of the platform compared to a pure iron chain. I know this affects the motion of the platform, but is there something wrong with my settings that makes this big of a difference? How can I verify that my model is set up correctly?

  3. Regarding the EA file where I applied the nonlinearity, I know that displacement-force curves are a good way to verify this. Can I also use this method to verify the second question I mentioned above for this mooring line where chains and synthetic fibers are fused together?


In regards to your first question, Matt Hall had a previous reply related to this, which was very well stated. From my understanding, this is simply a warning with the initial mooring line setup. The program is still able to solve the mooring line dynamics, but the initialization was irregular. So, it should not affect your final results. Refer back to Matt Hall’s previous response on this for further explanation.

The most noticeable difference I can find is the magnitude of your strain in the MoorLinePolyester.dat file. A strain of 1 refers to a stretch of the unstretched line length (strain = \Delta L / L ). So, it seems like your polyester line is stretching 7*80 = 560 m to reach a tension of 5.39 MN. Maybe check your values in the EA file.



I can answer question 1, and I will defer to Stein’s answer for 2 and 3. The “Catenary solve unsuccessful” warnings from MoorDyn simply mean that an analytical solution could not be found for the catenary line shape. MoorDyn then tries to solve for equilibrium by holding all coupled points static and letting the line ‘fall’ into place. In your case, after 19.75 sections the fairlead tensions converged for each line indicating that the line had reached an equilibrium position. This will not affect your results and means the simulation is starting with the line in the correct position.

This initial condition solver is controlled by the flags TmaxIC, dtIC, CdScaleIC, and threshIC in the options section of the MoorDyn input file. You can read more here: Input Files — MoorDyn 2.1.0 documentation
