Hello everybody,
at first I have to appreciate you for your great complimentary software tools and for your voluntary support in this forum.
In order to analyse the behaviour of offshore substructures I’m using the FAST v8.03 modularization framework with SubDyn v0.04. Simulating a wind turbine with the monopile substructure provided in the CertTest folder works fine. However, this is the easiest case. When I substitute the monopile input file with the example input file provided at the end of the SubDyn Readme file (containing a kind of jacket) I’m getting the following warning messages at the beginning:
When I have a look at the FAST output file the results seem to be reasonable until the simulation time 0.3000 s, from then on every value is zero or NaN except of time and wind velocity columns. I tried to change some of the parameters in the SubDyn example file to those of the monopile input file but it didn’t work.
I interpret from the first warning message, that the displacement of the substructure at the interface point is too large, maybe due to the lower stiffness of the jacket compared to the monopile. But I am stumped for an answer to fix this problem. I hope someone can help me in this case.
Best regards,