Dear @Jason.Jonkman,
Thanks for the prompt response. I was testing the effect of these parameters on the NREL 5MW blade using CompElast = 1 and all DOFs turned off. I first set SwpAC and CrvAC as zero, and removed the additional moment term from ATOM, and got matching pitching moments. I then set SwpAC to an arbitrary value (-1m all the way along the span) and got the same match, which is why I had the impression you meant the offset isn’t used to calculate the pitching moment in standalone AeroDyn.
When I couple the simulation with BeamDyn, I do observe a change in my pitching moment, which I’m now working on getting to match ATOM with the additional moment term included. ATOM defines spanwise values of pitch axis and aerodynamic centre, which I’m using in reference to this post to get:
BlCrvAC = (AeroCent - PitchAxis) * Chord * SIN(AeroTwst)
BlSwpAC = (AeroCent - PitchAxis) * Chord * COS(AeroTwst)
Is this correct?