Dear Dr. Jason JONKMAN,
I am writing to kindly ask you some questions please:
1- Is there any possibility to couple Abaqus and OpenSees softwares with OpenFAST ? Can OpenFAST (i) send to the softwares Abaqus or OpenSees displacements and at the same time (ii) receive from Abaqus and OpenSees forces or moments, at each time step?
2- Is there any floating wind turbine modeled in OpenFAST (excluding the TLP) with Taut or Semi-taut mooring lines ?
3- There is an article which is recently published talking about creating a new module in OpenFAST called FounDyn. This new module considers the Soil-Structure-Interaction (SSI) in OpenFAST which allows to perform aero-hydro-servo-elastic simulation in time domain taking into account SSI. Do you know please whether this module is available for public or not?
4- What about Soil-Dyn module ? Is it available for public ?
Thank you in advance for your continuous help and have a very nice season holiday.
Best Regards,
Dear @Riad.Elhamoud,
Here are my responses to your questions:
NREL has not supported such couplings. These topics have been discussed within the OpenFAST user community, but I’m not aware of a public repository where such a coupling has been shared. I’m sure developing a direct time-step-by-time-step coupling between OpenFAST and Abaqus or OpenSees is possible, but that it would likely take a lot of work to implement. I’d be surprised if Abaqus or OpenSees would only need displacement from OpenFAST; I would suspect they would also need velocity (and perhaps acceleration, depending on if the loads returned to OpenFAST include added-mass-type effects).
I know that we used both semi-taut and taut-line mooring systems in variations of the IEA Wind 15-MW reference wind turbine atop the VolturnUS submersible in the following paper currently under review in the Wind Energy Science journal: WESD - Sensitivity analysis of numerical modeling input parameters on floating offshore wind turbine loads in extreme idling conditions, but I’m not sure how to access the publication cited. I will ask others to respond.
/ 4. As I mentioned recently in the following forum topic: Onshore wind turbine: modeling of nonlinear foundation - #49 by Jason.Jonkman, NREL is aware of the development of FoundDyn, but it was not developed by NREL and was developed in parallel to NREL’s SoilDyn module. SoilDyn has been been developed by NREL for SSI under the following pull request: SoilDyn -- soil dynamics module by andrew-platt · Pull Request #986 · OpenFAST/openfast · GitHub, which is slated for merging in OpenFAST v5, which we’ll hopefully be released in early 2025.
Best regards,
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Hello @Riad.Elhamoud, apologies for the delay. A preprint of our paper “Reference Mooring and Dynamic Cable Designs for Representative U.S. Floating Wind Farms” is now available here: We have a taut deep-water mooring design and an intermediate-depth semi-taut mooring design.
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