PTDM implementation

Dear @Emanuel.Rergis,

The dimensions of the nacelle (length, width, height) were never specified for the NREL 5-MW baseline wind turbine. You’ll have to make your own assumptions for your own purposes.

Best regards,

Dear Dr @Jason.Jonkman:

After ten months of arduous study of the physical characteristics of TMDs and PTMDs, I return to you. Apparently, after everything I’ve seen, I’m afraid I’ll have to modify the source code in the structural control part. Where in the program files or glue codes can I access that code? Who can I contact to obtain these codes in case they are unavailable for alteration in my OpenFAST glue codes?

Thank you very much.
Best wishes.
Emanuel M. Rergis

Dear @Emanuel.Rergis,

The structural control source files are included with the rest of the OpenFAST source code in the OpenFAST repository on GitHub. You can find the structural control source files specifically with the other source files of ServoDyn here: openfast/modules/servodyn/src at main · OpenFAST/openfast · GitHub.

Best regards,

Thank you very much, @Jason.Jonkman. Another question: Is the language used in the OpenFAST source codes Fortran? Can I change the files in the repository on GitHub directly?
Thanks again.
Kind regards.
Emanuel M. Rergis

Dear @Emanuel.Rergis,

The OpenFAST source code is predominately modern Fortran, but there are other languages used in places such as Python and C. That said, the structural control source files are Fortran-based.

You wouldn’t have write permission to change files directly within repository, but you could change local copies, or if you prefer to use Git, you could create a fork of the OpenFAST repository and change the files in your local repository. The latter would be required if you intended to submit the changes back into the NREL repository. For the latter, documentation on the how to contribute to OpenFAST development is provided here: 5. Developer Documentation — OpenFAST v3.5.2 documentation.

Best regards,

Thank you very much Dr. @Jason.Jonkman, for your reply. The following might be a silly question, but I don’t manage to understand if OpenFast is relating the wave height to wind speed and water depth. Or are those parameters independent? One more thing: how can I determine if the value I have is reasonable for the wind speed (mean value: 12m/s) and water depth in my simulations? Please find attached the corresponding plot.

Thank you very much.
Kind regards.

Dear @Emanuel.Rergis,

The wind speed, wave height, and water depth are set independently in OpenFAST; it is up the user to specify “reasonable” values. Typically you’d be running OpenFAST for a set of load-case simulations that cover the range of possible conditions experienced by the offshore wind turbine, whereby the wind speeds and wave heights/periods would be taken from a metocean design basis that is dependent on the installation site, for example, the joint probability distribution of wind speed, wave height, and wave period.

Best regards,