Dear Sir,
I am using a pre-compiled FAST v7 Seismic module. Unlike the newer versions, I don’t find an option that lets me modulate the pitch rate. What is the inherent pitch rate for normal operation and shutdown in FAST v7 Seismic module?
Dear @Kashyap.Subham,
I’m sorry, but I don’t really understand your question. Please clarify.
Best regards,
I assume that the FAST v7 Seismic module must have an inbuilt pitch-rate during operation. For example: for normal operation it ranges between 2-5 deg/s while for emergency shutdown it is 8 deg/sec.
But FAST v7 Seismic module input files do not show me any option for changing pitch rate during operation or shutdown.
I wish to know how is pitch rate modelled in FAST v7 Seismic(using Bladed style DLL) and the ways I can change it.
Dear @Kashyap.Subham,
FAST v7 does not have any built-in blade-pitch rates. These would be set within the controller you are using. It sounds like you are using the Bladed-style DLL controller. Are you using one provided by NREL or your own?
Best regards,