Dear all,
I tried to adjust the DTU 10MW with NAUTILUS semi-submersible input files for OpenFast to be compatible with the new version (3.0.0).
After testing the new adjusted files, the simulation terminated normally, but I received the following warnings during the initialization of OpenFast:
FAST_InitializeAll:AD_Init:AD_SetInitOut:Airfoil files do not contain the same number of x-y coordinates.
FAST_InitializeAll:InitModuleMappings:ED_2_AD_BladeMotion(2):MeshMapCreate:CreateMotionMap_L2_to_L2:CreateMapping_ProjectToLine2:Found close value for node 38. (1.47427E-05 m)
InitModuleMappings:ED_2_AD_BladeMotion(3):MeshMapCreate:CreateMotionMap_L2_to_L2:CreateMapping_ProjectToLine2:Found close value for node 38. (1.47427E-05 m)
I was not receiving these warnings when I used FAST 8.16.
I wonder if these are normal warnings, if not, how can I avoid getting them?
Thank you in advance for your help,
With Best Regards,
Mohamad Hmedi