Dear Mr @Jason.Jonkman
When attempting to execute openfast, i recounted
for this error
Please some guides to resolve this issue
Dear Mr @Jason.Jonkman
When attempting to execute openfast, i recounted
Dear @Ali.Elyaakoubi,
It looks like you are running the sample model provided in the ROSCO repository: ROSCO/Examples/Test_Cases/5MW_Land_Simulink at main · NREL/ROSCO · GitHub; is that correct?
Which version of OpenFAST are you executing? Are you actually trying to run FAST v8 instead of OpenFAST?
Best regards,
Yes Mr @Jason.Jonkman , I tryed to execute it with FAST V8 and the mentioned error is occurred, Please some guides
Dear @Ali.Elyaakoubi,
The input files you are using are compatible with OpenFAST v3.5, which are quite different from FAST v8. I would suggest upgrading from FAST v8 to the newest version of OpenFAST (currently 3.5.2), which you can download from here: Releases · OpenFAST/openfast · GitHub.
Best regards,
I have downloaded OpenFAST dear @Jason.Jonkman , but i cannot execute it even though i am familiar with FAST V8. can you please help me to proceed, i didin’t find the imputs files corresponding as well as the S-Function
Sincerely yours
Dear @Ali.Elyaakoubi,
OpenFAST can be run the same as FAST v8.
You already have OpenFAST input files from the ROSCO GitHub site.
The S-Function and dynamic library compatible with OpenFAST v3.5.2 are available from here:
Best regards,
Dear @Ali.Elyaakoubi,
See a similar question asked and answered in the following forum topic: TurbSim File IEA 15MW RWT.
Best regards,
Dear @Jason.Jonkman , are you meaning this file “OpenFAST-Simulink_x64.dll”, elswhere please mention me the name of the file needed
Dear @Ali.Elyaakoubi,
The error specifically mentions Again, see the other forum post for the solution.
Also, a .so file is the equivalent of a Windows .dll file for Linux. If you are using Windows, I would expect the name of the DISCON controller you are trying using to be something like DISCON.dll. That said, I’m not sure why you are executing OpenFAST through Simulink if you want to use a DISCON controller (if you want to simulate in Simulink, I would normally expect your doing so because you want to implement the controller in Simulink).
Best regards,