NWTC 135-m Turbine Inflow Towers data and MST time zone

I’ve been going through the M2, M4, and M5 tower data published here: NWTC 135-m towers

The time data given for M2 is clearly MST (which I’m going to add +7 hours to convert it to UTC), MST appears in the header of the CSV file.
However, M4 and M5 timezone are not given explicitly in the files downloaded here: Index of /MetData/135mData/M4Twr/10min. Is the time data for M4 and M5 records also MST, or are they UTC? The “M4/M5 now” webpages log data in UTC but I wanted to be sure since the time difference is quite large.

Thanks in advance,

Dear @Huseyin.Can.Onel,

I asked around and it was confirmed that M4 and M5 are processed in UTC.

Best regards,

Dr. Jonkman, thank you very much for the clarification.


Hello again,
I have another question regarding time zones.
When converting Colorado local time to UTC online, I notice that the results differ between summer and winter. It automatically switches to MDT (UTC-6) during the summer and MST (UTC-7) during the winter, which I assume is due to daylight saving time. However, the M2 dataset header indicates MST regardless of the season. Should I therefore always convert using UTC-7?
As I’m not from the USA, I’m not very familiar with the usage and nomenclature of these time zones, so I wanted to confirm (1 hour makes a big difference for my study).

Dear @Huseyin.Can.Onel,

I asked internally and was told that M2 is reported in Mountain Standard Time (year round) and not adjusted for daylight savings.

Best regards,

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