Number of turbulent wind input files using TurbSim

Hi all,

I could not find a forum thread where a question like this was asked, so I am asking it here.

I am running openFAST simulations for the WindPACT 1.5 MW turbine for DLC12 and DLC13 according to the DTU Design Load Basis. The operating conditions specify for these two DLCs that there be 6 turbulence seeds per wind speed per yaw error (the yaw angles are specified as +10, 0 and -10 deg). When I was using HAWC2 to simulate these DLCs, the turbulence box generator used to give as output 6 different wind files- corresponding to 6 turbulence seeds. However, using TurbSim and obtaining output gives just 1 wind file (.wnd since I have chosen the BLADED/AeroDyn format).

Is there any workaround for this apart from changing the two RandSeed values in the input 6 times to obtain 6 different turbulent wind files for the same mean wind speed per yaw error?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,
Vishal Sairam

Dear Vishal,

You’ll have to change the random seeds in the TurbSim input files and rerun TurbSim for each seed. Normally this would not be done by hand, but rather through a script.

Best regards,

Hello dear , can you please check my this error ,i am trying create .bts file from turbsim using powershell

Dear @Muhammad.Irfan,

You would only get this error if you are trying to superimpose coherent turbulent structures from TurbSim and have not downloaded the coherent turbulent structures data. This data is available from my Google Drive: TSM_structures.exe - Google Drive.

However, I suspect you don’t really want to use this functionality, which isn’t supported within OpenFAST. Unless you have a specific need to use different turbulence models within TurbSim, I would recommend using the standard Kaimal model (TurbModel = “IECKAI”) instead.

Best regards,

Actually, i am trying to figure out wind load that is being applied on the total structure by wind and then i want to use this load to check the response of the structure , would you guide me with the accurate method, thanks for your effort.

Dear @Muhammad.Irfan,

The aerodynamic applied loads are computed within the AeroDyn module of FAST / OpenFAST. Naturally, these loads will impact the structural response. If you are asking what the values of the aerodynamic applied loads computed by AeroDyn are, you can output these from the AeroDyn module.

Best regards,

all right mr thanks for your kindness