Nodal Output sections of ElastoDyn and AeroDyn

Hi All,

Attached is an image detailing an error regarding the Nodal Output section of the ElastoDyn and AeroDyn files. (using the 15MW Turbine)

Separately an error regarding calling the Cp_Ct_Cq.IEA15MW.txt file occurs, however I can’t seem to find where this is being called from, as I need to change the search address.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Kind regards,
Breen Elliott

Dear Breen,

The “nodal output” warning will not effect the simulation results; you can ignore the warning.

I’ve not seen the error regarding the Cp_Ct_Cq.IEA15MW.txt file before, but it appears to be coming from the DISCON dll. Presumably you are using the ROSCO controller with this IEA 15-MW wind turbine model?

Best regards,

Hi Jason,

Thank you for your swift reply.

I am not running ROSCO separately however it may be running when I execute the .exe and .fst file. I am using TurbSim also.

I changed the IEA15MW-Monopile YAML file in the ServoData folder, which was searching back two directories as seen in the image attached, however I still receive the same error.

Kind regards,
Breen Elliott

Hi Breen,

ROSCO is a DISCON controller called from ServoDyn.

Do you have the file Cp_Ct_Cq.IEA15MW.txt in the path specified?

Best regards,

Hi Jason,

I needed to change “PerfFileName” in “”.

Thank you very much for your help.

Kind regards,
Breen Elliott