Hi All,
Attached is an image detailing an error regarding the Nodal Output section of the ElastoDyn and AeroDyn files. (using the 15MW Turbine)
Separately an error regarding calling the Cp_Ct_Cq.IEA15MW.txt file occurs, however I can’t seem to find where this is being called from, as I need to change the search address.
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Kind regards,
Breen Elliott
Dear Breen,
The “nodal output” warning will not effect the simulation results; you can ignore the warning.
I’ve not seen the error regarding the Cp_Ct_Cq.IEA15MW.txt file before, but it appears to be coming from the DISCON dll. Presumably you are using the ROSCO controller with this IEA 15-MW wind turbine model?
Best regards,
Hi Jason,
Thank you for your swift reply.
I am not running ROSCO separately however it may be running when I execute the .exe and .fst file. I am using TurbSim also.
I changed the IEA15MW-Monopile YAML file in the ServoData folder, which was searching back two directories as seen in the image attached, however I still receive the same error.
Kind regards,
Breen Elliott
Hi Breen,
ROSCO is a DISCON controller called from ServoDyn.
Do you have the file Cp_Ct_Cq.IEA15MW.txt in the path specified?
Best regards,
Hi Jason,
I needed to change “PerfFileName” in “DISCON-Monopile.in”.
Thank you very much for your help.
Kind regards,
Breen Elliott