MCrunch error

I found an error in the aggregated extreme-event file from MCrunch. The file name specified in the third column is not correct, in the list of files it is offset by one unit.

I found that the error is located in GenExtEvts.m line 117 and 128 :

for F=2:NumFiles
    if ( MinInd < FileInfo.StartLine(F-1) )            % wrong   
          FileName = FileInfo.FileName{F-1};
    end % if
end % for F
for F=2:NumFiles
     if ( MinInd < FileInfo.StartLine(F) )           % good   
           FileName = FileInfo.FileName{F-1};
      end % if
end % for F

I hope this will help.

And thanks to all the team for Fast, very nice job.


I have forwarded your post to Greg Hayman, who is now in charge of our MATLAB-based postprocessors.
