List of ROSCO outputs in .RO.dbg

I like to access signals from the ROSCO controller especially the wind speed estimated by the Kalman filter. I assume the ROSCO output is in a file with extension .RO.dbg e.g. 5MW_Land_No_Simulink.RO.dbg. Where can I find a list of what the signal names means?

Hi Torben,

The list of debug variables can be found here: ROSCO/rosco/controller/src/ROSCO_Types.f90 at cfda6af95cda15616b840199c24fbd208e63893c · NREL/ROSCO · GitHub

The local variables can also be outputted with a LoggingLevel of 2; they are here: ROSCO/rosco/controller/src/ROSCO_Types.f90 at cfda6af95cda15616b840199c24fbd208e63893c · NREL/ROSCO · GitHub

I can’t guarantee that the descriptions are 100% correct, but the wind speed estimator signals look good to me. I’d be happy to clarify anything or point you to definitions in the source. You are correct about the *.RO.dbg extension.

I hope this helps.

Best, Dan

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