I am a newbie on windmills.
I installed ROSCO v2.9.0 following these steps.
ROSCO Documentation
I performed simulations with PCMode, VSContrl, and YCMode in ServoDyn at 4 and 5, respectively.
(4: user-defined from Simulink/Labview, 5: user-defined from Bladed-style DLL)
However, when the results were output to a graph using Igor, a large difference in standard deviation was observed. (Particularly for generator power. )
The red line in the figure shows the results for mode 4 using libdiscon.dll, and the blue line shows the results for mode 5 using Simulink.
What could be the cause of this difference?
The following is a description of the conditions used in the simulation
Simulated time: 3000 s
Wind condition: 18 m/s steady wind
Wave conditions: still water
!------- CONTROLLER FLAGS -------------------------------------------------
2 ! F_LPFType - (1: first-order low-pass filter, 2: second-order low-pass filter), [rad/s] (currently filters generator speed and pitch control signals
0 ! IPC_ControlMode - Turn Individual Pitch Control (IPC) for fatigue load reductions (pitch contribution) {0: off, 1: 1P reductions, 2: 1P+2P reductions}
2 ! VS_ControlMode - Generator torque control mode in above rated conditions (0- no torque control, 1- k*omega^2 with PI transitions, 2- WSE TSR Tracking, 3- Power-based TSR Tracking)}
0 ! VS_ConstPower - Do constant power torque control, where above rated torque varies, 0 for constant torque}
1 ! PC_ControlMode - Blade pitch control mode {0: No pitch, fix to fine pitch, 1: active PI blade pitch control}
0 ! Y_ControlMode - Yaw control mode {0: no yaw control, 1: yaw rate control, 2: yaw-by-IPC}
1 ! SS_Mode - Setpoint Smoother mode {0: no setpoint smoothing, 1: introduce setpoint smoothing}
0 ! PRC_Mode - Power reference tracking mode{0: use standard rotor speed set points, 1: use PRC rotor speed setpoints}
2 ! WE_Mode - Wind speed estimator mode {0: One-second low pass filtered hub height wind speed, 1: Immersion and Invariance Estimator, 2: Extended Kalman Filter}
1 ! PS_Mode - Pitch saturation mode {0: no pitch saturation, 1: implement pitch saturation}
0 ! SD_Mode - Shutdown mode {0: no shutdown procedure, 1: pitch to max pitch at shutdown}
2 ! Fl_Mode - Floating specific feedback mode {0: no nacelle velocity feedback, 1: feed back translational velocity, 2: feed back rotational veloicty}
0 ! TD_Mode - Tower damper mode (0- no tower damper, 1- feed back translational nacelle accelleration to pitch angle
0 ! TRA_Mode - Tower resonance avoidance mode (0- no tower resonsnace avoidance, 1- use torque control setpoints to avoid a specific frequency
0 ! Flp_Mode - Flap control mode {0: no flap control, 1: steady state flap angle, 2: Proportional flap control, 2: Cyclic (1P) flap control}
0 ! OL_Mode - Open loop control mode {0: no open loop control, 1: open loop control vs. time, 2: rotor position control}
2 ! PA_Mode - Pitch actuator mode {0 - not used, 1 - first order filter, 2 - second order filter}
0 ! PF_Mode - Pitch fault mode {0 - not used, 1 - constant offset on one or more blades}
0 ! AWC_Mode - Active wake control {0 - not used, 1 - complex number method, 2 - Coleman transform method}
0 ! Ext_Mode - External control mode {0 - not used, 1 - call external dynamic library}
0 ! ZMQ_Mode - Fuse ZeroMQ interface {0: unused, 1: Yaw Control}
0 ! CC_Mode - Cable control mode [0- unused, 1- User defined, 2- Open loop control]
0 ! StC_Mode - Structural control mode [0- unused, 1- User defined, 2- Open loop control]
Thank you for your help.