Dear All,
please delete topic if against forum rules
I have been trying to compile ROSCO using the instructions given at: [url][/url]. I am using visual studio community 2019 with Intel’s FORTRAN compiler (version 2020) and cmake (3.17.2) of course. When running cmake, the build files are generated to the created directory but the libdiscon dynamic link library is not compiled to the directory. Does one need to edit the cmake list in order for this to happen (generate the libdiscon dynamic link library) or is the dynamic link library generated by default?
Thanks in advance,
Isidoros Papachristou
Dear Isidoros,
I don’t know the answer to your question; perhaps someone else on the forum can respond.
Regardless, I would suggest posting your ROSCO compiling related question on the issues page of the ROSCO repository: You are likely to get a better response from the ROSCO developers there.
Best regards,