Injecting user-defined wind speed from the simulink model

Dear Mr.Jonkman;
I’m currently taking my first steps with FAST v8.16.
Lately I was trying to change wind speed in Test01 model, I was able to do that from the script code,
however It isn’t clear how it can be done directly from the Simulink model “Test01_SIG.mdl”.

Best regards.

Industrial computing engineer.
Researcher at SATIE,UCP

Dear Hayder Gallas,

Without modification of the source code, it is not possible to change the wind speed directly within the Simulink model. Instead, the wind speed is set via the primary input file of the InflowWind module–for Test01, this is “AWT27/Test01_InflowWind.dat”.

Best regards,

Dear Mr.Jonkman;
thank you for your reply.
Best regards.

Industrial computing engineer.
Researcher at SATIE, UCP, France.