Hello everyone,
I am using FLORIS to make an estimation of the AEP produced by different wind farms, with different wind climates, turbines and layouts.
I get significantly different results ( % of AEP loss due to wake) with Jensen and Gauss_legacy velocity models.
I’d like to know which velocity deficit model do you recommend, without making any parameter adjustmend, using the default parameters, to predict AEP losses due to wake?
I have read in nrel.gov/docs/fy19osti/72767.pdf that Gauss_legacy velocity deficit model provides better representation of wake characteristics. However, I have also read from some authours, from DONG Energy Wind Power, who prefer to use the Jensen model to predict AEP and power losses. Moreover, in reference [1], it is stated that Jensen model provides better estimation of AEP and wake losses for Horns Rev offshore wind farm.
Any recomendation or advice would be very helpful.
Many thanks in advance,
Nicolás Deza
[1] Recalibrating Wind Turbine Wake Model Parameters – Validating the Wake Model Performance for Large Offshore Wind Farms Thomas Sørensen, M.Sc, Per Nielsen, M.Sc. & Morten Lybech Thøgersen, M.Sc. EMD International A/S, Niels Jernes Vej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg East