Dear Jundong,

No problem and I’m happy to help you a bit. Please feel free to ask questions if you have more difficulties. :slight_smile:

Dear Jason,

I am sorry I don’t know how to activate the debug mode… Is it the .ECH files by setting True to Echo variables? :question:
For your question “All you did between the FAST.Farm simulation that runs and the one that errors out is change the WindType in InflowWind?”, the answer is yes. If I use WindType 1 (or 3 .bts file from TurbSim), it works. But when I use the WindType=2, It doesn’t. maybe the issue comes from my .hh file defining the steady wind conditions?

My .hh file for WindType=2:

!UAE Phase VI (Ames) wind for for a simple power curve.
!Time   Wind    Wind    Vert.   Horiz.  Vert.   LinV    Gust
!       Speed   Dir     Speed   Shear   Shear   Shear   Speed
0.0  8.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0
210.0  8.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0
210.01 10.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0
9999.9 10.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0

Here are my ECH files for the FAST.Farm input file and the InflowWind file:
FAST.Farm Input .Ech file:

This file of echoed input was generated by FAST.Farm (v0.01.02a-jmj, 04-Jul-2017) on 12-May-2021 at 13:17:43.

Data from FAST.Farm primary input file "C:\FASTFARM\Neutral_8mps_3WT_Short\WakeFASTFARM_TimePropFARM.fstf":

               FTitle         - File Header: File Description (line 2)
  "Sample FAST.Farm input file"

            T  Echo           - Echo input data to <RootName>.ech (flag)
               AbortLevel     - Error level when simulation should abort (string)
   1.0000E+02  TMax           - Total run time (s)
            T  UseSC          - Use a super controller? (flag)
            2  Mod_AmbWind    - Ambient wind model (-) (switch) {1: high-fidelity precursor in VTK format, 2: one InflowWind module, 3: multiple InflowWind modules}

               SC_FileName    - Name/location of the dynamic library {.dll [Windows] or .so [Linux]} containing the Super Controller algorithms (quoated string)

   2.0000E+00  DT_Low-VTK     - Time step for low-resolution wind data input files; will be used as the global FAST.Farm time step (s) [>0.0]
   1.0000E-01  DT_High-VTK    - Time step for high-resolution wind data input files (s) [>0.0]
               WindFilePath   - Path name of wind data files from ABLSolver precursor (string)
            T  ChkWndFiles    - Check all the ambient wind files for data consistency? (flag)

   2.0000E+00  DT_Low         - Time step for low-resolution wind data input files; will be used as the global FAST.Farm time step (s) [>0.0]
   1.0000E-01  DT_High        - Time step for high-resolution wind data input files (s) [>0.0]
          301  nX_Low         - Number of low-resolution spatial nodes in X direction for wind data interpolation (-) [>=2]
          171  nY_Low         - Number of low-resolution spatial nodes in Y direction for wind data interpolation (-) [>=2]
           17  nZ_Low         - Number of low-resolution spatial nodes in Z direction for wind data interpolation (-) [>=2]
   0.0000E+00  X0_Low         - Origin of low-resolution spatial nodes in X direction for wind data interpolation (m)
  -5.0000E+02  Y0_Low         - Origin of low-resolution spatial nodes in Y direction for wind data interpolation (m)
   1.0000E+01  Z0_Low         - Origin of low-resolution spatial nodes in Z direction for wind data interpolation (m)
   1.0000E+01  dX_Low         - Spacing of low-resolution spatial nodes in X direction for wind data interpolation (m) [>0.0]
   1.0000E+01  dY_Low         - Spacing of low-resolution spatial nodes in Y direction for wind data interpolation (m) [>0.0]
   1.0000E+01  dZ_Low         - Spacing of low-resolution spatial nodes in Z direction for wind data interpolation (m) [>0.0]
           35  nX_High        - Number of high-resolution spatial nodes in X direction for wind data interpolation (-) [>=2]
           35  nY_High        - Number of high-resolution spatial nodes in Y direction for wind data interpolation (-) [>=2]
           17  nZ_High        - Number of high-resolution spatial nodes in Z direction for wind data interpolation (-) [>=2]
               InflowFile     - Name of file containing InflowWind module input parameters (quoted string)

            5  NumTurbines    - Number of wind turbines (-) [>=1]

 1.2600E+02   0.0000E+00   0.0000E+00  "WakeEffec 1.0000E+02st-1.5000E+02   1.0000E+01   1.0000E+01   1.0000E+01   1.0000E+01   - WT(    1)
 5.3600E+02   0.0000E+00   0.0000E+00  "WakeEffec 5.0000E+02st-1.5000E+02   1.0000E+01   1.0000E+01   1.0000E+01   1.0000E+01   - WT(    2)
 9.4400E+02   0.0000E+00   0.0000E+00  "WakeEffec 9.0000E+02st-1.5000E+02   1.0000E+01   1.0000E+01   1.0000E+01   1.0000E+01   - WT(    3)
 1.2600E+02   7.1900E+02   0.0000E+00  "WakeEffec 1.0000E+02st 5.6900E+02   1.0000E+01   1.0000E+01   1.0000E+01   1.0000E+01   - WT(    4)
 6.5100E+02   7.5800E+02   0.0000E+00  "WakeEffec 6.0000E+02st 6.0800E+02   1.0000E+01   1.0000E+01   1.0000E+01   1.0000E+01   - WT(    5)

   2.0000E+00  dr             - Radial increment of radial finite-difference grid (m) [>0.0]
          110  NumRadii       - Number of radii in the radial finite-difference grid (-) [>=2]
          150  NumPlanes      - Number of wake planes (-) [>=2]
   7.0000E-04  f_c            - Cut-off (corner) frequency of the low-pass time-filter for the wake advection, deflection, and meandering model (Hz) [>0.0] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=0.0007]
   0.0000E+00  C_HWkDfl_O     - Calibrated parameter in the correction for wake deflection defining the horizontal offset at the rotor (m) or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=0.0]
   3.0000E-01  C_HWkDfl_OY    - Calibrated parameter in the correction for wake deflection defining the horizontal offset at the rotor scaled with yaw error (m/deg) or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=0.3]
   0.0000E+00  C_HWkDfl_x     - Calibrated parameter in the correction for wake deflection defining the horizontal offset scaled with downstream distance (-) or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=0.0]
  -4.0000E-03  C_HWkDfl_xY    - Calibrated parameter in the correction for wake deflection defining the horizontal offset scaled with downstream distance and yaw error (1/deg) or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=-0.004]
   1.8000E+00  C_NearWake     - Calibrated parameter for the near-wake correction (-) [>1.0] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=1.8]
   5.0000E-02  k_vAmb         - Calibrated parameter for the influence of ambient turbulence in the eddy viscosity (-) [>=0.0] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=0.05]
   1.6000E-02  k_vShr         - Calibrated parameter for the influence of the shear layer in the eddy viscosity (-) [>=0.0] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=0.016]
   0.0000E+00  C_vAmb_DMin    - Calibrated parameter in the eddy viscosity filter function for ambient turbulence defining the transitional diameter fraction between the minimum and exponential regions (-) [>=0.0] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=0.0]
   1.0000E+00  C_vAmb_DMax    - Calibrated parameter in the eddy viscosity filter function for ambient turbulence defining the transitional diameter fraction between the exponential and maximum regions (-) [> C_vAmb_DMin  ] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=1.0]
   1.0000E+00  C_vAmb_FMin    - Calibrated parameter in the eddy viscosity filter function for ambient turbulence defining the value in the minimum region (-) [>=0.0 and <=1.0] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=1.0]
   1.0000E-02  C_vAmb_Exp     - Calibrated parameter in the eddy viscosity filter function for ambient turbulence defining the exponent in the exponential region (-) [> 0.0] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=0.01]
   3.0000E+00  C_vShr_DMin    - Calibrated parameter in the eddy viscosity filter function for the shear layer defining the transitional diameter fraction between the minimum and exponential regions (-) [>=0.0] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=3.0]
   2.5000E+01  C_vShr_DMax    - Calibrated parameter in the eddy viscosity filter function for the shear layer defining the transitional diameter fraction between the exponential and maximum regions (-) [> C_vShr_DMin] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=25.0]
   2.0000E-01  C_vShr_FMin    - Calibrated parameter in the eddy viscosity filter function for the shear layer defining the value in the minimum region (-) [>=0.0 and <=1.0] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=0.2]
   1.0000E-01  C_vShr_Exp     - Calibrated parameter in the eddy viscosity filter function for the shear layer defining the exponent in the exponential region (-) [> 0.0] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=0.1]
            1  Mod_WakeDiam   - Wake diameter calculation model (-) (switch) {1: rotor diameter, 2: velocity-based, 3: mass-flux based, 4: momentum-flux based} or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=1]
   9.5000E-01  C_WakeDiam     - Calibrated parameter for wake diameter calculation (-) [>0.0 and <1.0] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=0.95] [unused for Mod_WakeDiam=1]
            3  Mod_Meander    - Spatial filter model for wake meandering (-) (switch) {1: uniform, 2: truncated jinc, 3: windowed jinc} or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=3]
   1.9000E+00  C_Meander      - Calibrated parameter for wake meandering (-) [>=1.0] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=1.9]

            F  WrDisWind      - Write disturbed wind data to <OutFileRoot>.Low.Dis.t<n/n_low-out>.vtk etc.? (flag)
            1  NOutDisWindXY  - Number of XY planes for output of disturbed wind data across the low-resolution domain to <OutFileRoot>.Low.DisXY.<n_out>.t<n/n_low-out>.vtk (-) [0 to 9]
               OutDisWindZ    - Z coordinates of XY planes for output of disturbed wind data across the low-resolution domain (m) [1 to NOutDisWindXY] [unused for NOutDisWindXY=0]
            0  NOutDisWindYZ  - Number of YZ planes for output of disturbed wind data across the low-resolution domain to <OutFileRoot>.Low.DisYZ.<n_out>.t<n/n_low-out>.vtk (-) [0 to 9]
               OutDisWindX    - X coordinates of YZ planes for output of disturbed wind data across the low-resolution domain (m) [1 to NOutDisWindYZ] [unused for NOutDisWindYZ=0]

            0  NOutDisWindXZ  - Number of XZ planes for output of disturbed wind data across the low-resolution domain to <OutFileRoot>.Low/DisXZ.<n_out>.t<n/n_low-out>.vtk (-) [0 to 9]
               OutDisWindY    - Y coordinates of XZ planes for output of disturbed wind data across the low-resolution domain (m) [1 to NOutDisWindXZ] [unused for NOutDisWindXZ=0]

   1.0000E+01  WrDisDT        - The time between vtk outputs [must be a multiple of the low resolution time step]

            T  SumPrint       - Print summary data to <RootName>.sum? (flag)
   1.0000E+05  ChkptTime      - Amount of time between creating checkpoint files for potential restart (s) [>0.0]
   0.0000E+00  TStart         - Time to begin tabular output (s) [>=0.0]
            1  OutFileFmt     - Format for tabular (time-marching) output file (switch) {1: text file [<RootName>.out], 2: binary file [<RootName>.outb], 3: both}
            T  TabDelim       - Use tab delimiters in text tabular output file? (flag) {uses spaces if False}
               OutFmt         - Format used for text tabular output, excluding the time channel. Resulting field should be 10 characters. (quoted string)
           16  NOutRadii      - Number of radial nodes for wake output for an individual rotor (-) [0 to 20]
               OutRadii       - List of radial nodes for wake output for an individual rotor (-) [1 to NOutRadii]
            0            2            4            8            9           11           13           15           17           19           21           24           28           33           50           64
            7  NOutDist       - Number of downstream distances for wake output for an individual rotor (-) [0 to 9]
               OutDist        - List of downstream distances for wake output for an individual rotor (m) [1 to NOutDist] [unused for NOutDist=0]
   3.7800E+02   4.4100E+02   5.0400E+02   5.6700E+02   6.3000E+02   6.9300E+02   7.5600E+02
            1  NWindVel       - Number of points for wind output (-) [0 to 9]
               WindVelX       - List of coordinates in the X direction for wind output (m) [1 to NWindVel] [unused for NWindVel=0]
               WindVelY       - List of coordinates in the Y direction for wind output (m) [1 to NWindVel] [unused for NWindVel=0]
               WindVelZ       - List of coordinates in the Z direction for wind output (m) [1 to NWindVel] [unused for NWindVel=0]

               OutList        - List of user-requested output channels
  "RtAxsXT1     , RtAxsYT1     , RtAxsZT1"
               OutList        - List of user-requested output channels
  "RtPosXT1     , RtPosYT1     , RtPosZT1"
               OutList        - List of user-requested output channels
               OutList        - List of user-requested output channels
               OutList        - List of user-requested output channels
  "RtVAmbT1, RtVAmbT2"
               OutList        - List of user-requested output channels
  "WkPosXT1D1   , WkPosXT1D2   , WkPosXT1D3   , WkPosXT1D4   , WkPosXT1D5   , WkPosXT1D6   , WkPosXT1D7"
               OutList        - List of user-requested output channels
  "WkPosYT1D1   , WkPosYT1D2   , WkPosYT1D3   , WkPosYT1D4   , WkPosYT1D5   , WkPosYT1D6   , WkPosYT1D7"
               OutList        - List of user-requested output channels
  "WkDfVxT1N01D1, WkDfVxT1N02D1, WkDfVxT1N03D1, WkDfVxT1N04D1, WkDfVxT1N05D1, WkDfVxT1N06D1, WkDfVxT1N07D1, WkDfVxT1N08D1, WkDfVxT1N09D1, WkDfVxT1N10D1, WkDfVxT1N11D1, WkDfVxT1N12D1, WkDfVxT1N13D1, WkDfVxT1N14D1, WkDfVxT1N15D1, WkDfVxT1N16D1, WkDfVxT1N17D1, WkDfVxT1N18D1, WkDfVxT1N19D1, WkDfVxT1N20D1"
               OutList        - List of user-requested output channels
  "WkDfVxT1N01D2, WkDfVxT1N02D2, WkDfVxT1N03D2, WkDfVxT1N04D2, WkDfVxT1N05D2, WkDfVxT1N06D2, WkDfVxT1N07D2, WkDfVxT1N08D2, WkDfVxT1N09D2, WkDfVxT1N10D2, WkDfVxT1N11D2, WkDfVxT1N12D2, WkDfVxT1N13D2, WkDfVxT1N14D2, WkDfVxT1N15D2, WkDfVxT1N16D2, WkDfVxT1N17D2, WkDfVxT1N18D2, WkDfVxT1N19D2, WkDfVxT1N20D2"
               OutList        - List of user-requested output channels
  "WkDfVxT1N01D3, WkDfVxT1N02D3, WkDfVxT1N03D3, WkDfVxT1N04D3, WkDfVxT1N05D3, WkDfVxT1N06D3, WkDfVxT1N07D3, WkDfVxT1N08D3, WkDfVxT1N09D3, WkDfVxT1N10D3, WkDfVxT1N11D3, WkDfVxT1N12D3, WkDfVxT1N13D3, WkDfVxT1N14D3, WkDfVxT1N15D3, WkDfVxT1N16D3, WkDfVxT1N17D3, WkDfVxT1N18D3, WkDfVxT1N19D3, WkDfVxT1N20D3"
               OutList        - List of user-requested output channels
  "WkDfVxT1N01D4, WkDfVxT1N02D4, WkDfVxT1N03D4, WkDfVxT1N04D4, WkDfVxT1N05D4, WkDfVxT1N06D4, WkDfVxT1N07D4, WkDfVxT1N08D4, WkDfVxT1N09D4, WkDfVxT1N10D4, WkDfVxT1N11D4, WkDfVxT1N12D4, WkDfVxT1N13D4, WkDfVxT1N14D4, WkDfVxT1N15D4, WkDfVxT1N16D4, WkDfVxT1N17D4, WkDfVxT1N18D4, WkDfVxT1N19D4, WkDfVxT1N20D4"
               OutList        - List of user-requested output channels
  "WkDfVxT1N01D5, WkDfVxT1N02D5, WkDfVxT1N03D5, WkDfVxT1N04D5, WkDfVxT1N05D5, WkDfVxT1N06D5, WkDfVxT1N07D5, WkDfVxT1N08D5, WkDfVxT1N09D5, WkDfVxT1N10D5, WkDfVxT1N11D5, WkDfVxT1N12D5, WkDfVxT1N13D5, WkDfVxT1N14D5, WkDfVxT1N15D5, WkDfVxT1N16D5, WkDfVxT1N17D5, WkDfVxT1N18D5, WkDfVxT1N19D5, WkDfVxT1N20D5"
               OutList        - List of user-requested output channels
  "WkDfVxT1N01D6, WkDfVxT1N02D6, WkDfVxT1N03D6, WkDfVxT1N04D6, WkDfVxT1N05D6, WkDfVxT1N06D6, WkDfVxT1N07D6, WkDfVxT1N08D6, WkDfVxT1N09D6, WkDfVxT1N10D6, WkDfVxT1N11D6, WkDfVxT1N12D6, WkDfVxT1N13D6, WkDfVxT1N14D6, WkDfVxT1N15D6, WkDfVxT1N16D6, WkDfVxT1N17D6, WkDfVxT1N18D6, WkDfVxT1N19D6, WkDfVxT1N20D6"
               OutList        - List of user-requested output channels
  "WkDfVxT1N01D7, WkDfVxT1N02D7, WkDfVxT1N03D7, WkDfVxT1N04D7, WkDfVxT1N05D7, WkDfVxT1N06D7, WkDfVxT1N07D7, WkDfVxT1N08D7, WkDfVxT1N09D7, WkDfVxT1N10D7, WkDfVxT1N11D7, WkDfVxT1N12D7, WkDfVxT1N13D7, WkDfVxT1N14D7, WkDfVxT1N15D7, WkDfVxT1N16D7, WkDfVxT1N17D7, WkDfVxT1N18D7, WkDfVxT1N19D7, WkDfVxT1N20D7"
               OutList        - List of user-requested output channels

InflowWind .Ech file:

Echo file for InflowWind input file: C:\FASTFARM\Neutral_8mps_3WT_Short\WakeEffect_inflow_nFF_Var.dat
------- InflowWind INPUT FILE -------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
12 m/s turbulent winds on 31x31 FF grid and tower for FAST CertTests                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
 True            = Echo                
 2               = WindType            
 0               = PropagationDir      
 0               = VFlowAng            
 0               = VFlowAng            
 1               = NWindVel            
0   WindVxiList    - List of coordinates in the inertial X direction (m)
0   WindVyiList    - List of coordinates in the inertial Y direction (m)
90   WindVziList    - List of coordinates in the inertial Z direction (m)
 10              = HWindSpeed          
 90              = RefHt               
 0.2             = PLExp               
 Wind/OneStep.hh = Filename_Uni        
 90              = RefHt_Uni           
 125.88          = RefLength           
 Wind/Turbulence = FileName_BTS        
 Wind/MySample   = FileNameRoot        
 False           = TowerFile           
 wasp\Output\bas = FileName_u          
 wasp\Output\bas = FileName_v          
 wasp\Output\bas = FileName_w          
 64              = nx                  
 32              = ny                  
 32              = nz                  
 16              = dx                  
 3               = dy                  
 3               = dz                  
 90              = RefHt_Hawc          
 2               = ScaleMethod         
 1               = SFx                 
 1               = SFy                 
 1               = SFz                 
 1.2             = SigmaFx             
 0.8             = SigmaFy             
 0.2             = SigmaFz             
 12              = URef                
 2               = WindProfile         
 0.2             = PLExp_Hawc          
 0.03            = Z0                  
 0               = XOffset             
 0               = XOffset             
 False           = SumPrint            
"Wind1VelX"               X-direction wind velocity at point WindList(1)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
"Wind1VelY"               Y-direction wind velocity at point WindList(1)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
"Wind1VelZ"               Z-direction wind velocity at point WindList(1)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
END of input file (the word "END" must appear in the first 3 columns of this last OutList line)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

I hope this may help to identify the issue.

Kindest regards


Dear Jason,

I might have understood what you mean by compile in debug mode. I compiled FAST.Farm in Debug x64 and it gave me a FAST.Farm_x64_Debug.exe application. I used it to rerun the simulation again and it gave me almost the same error:

Copyright (C) 2021 National Renewable Energy Laboratory 
Copyright (C) 2021 Envision Energy USA LTD 
This program is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0 and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. 
See the "LICENSE" file distributed with this software for details. 
FAST.Farm-Unversioned from 4d598b2ce513b12103a0ed7f484a8cf5b8324f89 
Compile Info: 
 - Compiler: Intel(R) Fortran Compiler 1910 
 - Architecture: 64 bit 
 - Precision: single 
 - OpenMP: No 
 - Date: May 12 2021 
 - Time: 14:36:32 
Execution Info: 
 - Date: 05/12/2021 
 - Time: 14:43:24+0200 
 Heading of the FAST.Farm input file: 
   Sample FAST.Farm input file 
Running AWAE. 
Running InflowWind. 
Running Super Controller. 
Running WakeDynamics. 
Running FASTWrapper (v1.00.00, 7-Feb-2017). 
Running OpenFAST. 
OpenFAST input file heading: 
    FAST Certification Test #26: NREL 5.0 MW Baseline Wind Turbine (Onshore) 
Running ElastoDyn. 
Nodal outputs section of ElastoDyn input file not found or improperly formatted. 
Running AeroDyn. 
AD15 Nodal Outputs: Nodal output section of AeroDyn input file not found or improperly formatted. 
Skipping nodal outputs. 
Running InflowWind. 
Running ServoDyn. 
Running ServoDyn Interface for Bladed Controllers (using Intel Visual Fortran for Windows, ). 
Using legacy Bladed DLL interface. 
FAST_InitializeAll:SrvD_Init:BladedInterface_Init:Error opening BLADED interface DLL. Checking 
for legacy DLL. 
Running OpenFAST. 
OpenFAST input file heading: 
    FAST Certification Test #26: NREL 5.0 MW Baseline Wind Turbine (Onshore) 
Running ElastoDyn. 
Nodal outputs section of ElastoDyn input file not found or improperly formatted. 
Running AeroDyn. 
AD15 Nodal Outputs: Nodal output section of AeroDyn input file not found or improperly formatted. 
Skipping nodal outputs.
Running InflowWind. 
Running ServoDyn. 
Running ServoDyn Interface for Bladed Controllers (using Intel Visual Fortran for Windows, ). 
Using legacy Bladed DLL interface. 
FAST_InitializeAll:SrvD_Init:BladedInterface_Init:Error opening BLADED interface DLL. Checking 
for legacy DLL. 

Running OpenFAST. 
OpenFAST input file heading: 
    FAST Certification Test #26: NREL 5.0 MW Baseline Wind Turbine (Onshore) 
Running ElastoDyn. 
Nodal outputs section of ElastoDyn input file not found or improperly formatted. 
Running AeroDyn. 
AD15 Nodal Outputs: Nodal output section of AeroDyn input file not found or improperly formatted. 
Skipping nodal outputs. 
Running InflowWind. 
Running ServoDyn. 
Running ServoDyn Interface for Bladed Controllers (using Intel Visual Fortran for Windows, ).
Using legacy Bladed DLL interface. 
FAST_InitializeAll:SrvD_Init:BladedInterface_Init:Error opening BLADED interface DLL. Checking 
for legacy DLL. 
Running OpenFAST. 
OpenFAST input file heading: 
    FAST Certification Test #26: NREL 5.0 MW Baseline Wind Turbine (Onshore) 
Running ElastoDyn. 
Nodal outputs section of ElastoDyn input file not found or improperly formatted. 
Running AeroDyn. 
AD15 Nodal Outputs: Nodal output section of AeroDyn input file not found or improperly formatted. 
Skipping nodal outputs.
Running InflowWind. 
Running ServoDyn. 
Running ServoDyn Interface for Bladed Controllers (using Intel Visual Fortran for Windows, ). 
Using legacy Bladed DLL interface. 
FAST_InitializeAll:SrvD_Init:BladedInterface_Init:Error opening BLADED interface DLL. Checking 
for legacy DLL. 

Running OpenFAST. 
OpenFAST input file heading: 
    FAST Certification Test #26: NREL 5.0 MW Baseline Wind Turbine (Onshore) 
Running ElastoDyn. 
Nodal outputs section of ElastoDyn input file not found or improperly formatted. 
Running AeroDyn. 
AD15 Nodal Outputs: Nodal output section of AeroDyn input file not found or improperly formatted. 
Skipping nodal outputs.
Running InflowWind. 
Running ServoDyn. 
Running ServoDyn Interface for Bladed Controllers (using Intel Visual Fortran for Windows, ). 
Using legacy Bladed DLL interface. 
FAST_InitializeAll:SrvD_Init:BladedInterface_Init:Error opening BLADED interface DLL. Checking 
for legacy DLL. 

 Time: 0 of 100 seconds.
forrtl: severe (157): Program Exception - access violation 
Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source              
FAST.Farm_x64_Deb  00007FF70F857CFF  AWAE_mp_COMPUTELO         137  AWAE.f90 
FAST.Farm_x64_Deb  00007FF70F8B1889  AWAE_mp_AWAE_CALC        1374  AWAE.f90 
FAST.Farm_x64_Deb  00007FF70FC47D66  FAST_FARM_SUBS_mp        1674  FAST_Farm_Subs.f90 
FAST.Farm_x64_Deb  00007FF70FC8B795  MAIN__                    109  FAST_Farm.f90 
FAST.Farm_x64_Deb  00007FF715B28F5E  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown 
FAST.Farm_x64_Deb  00007FF716027B39  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown 
FAST.Farm_x64_Deb  00007FF716027A5E  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown 
FAST.Farm_x64_Deb  00007FF71602791E  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown 
FAST.Farm_x64_Deb  00007FF716027BA9  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown 
KERNEL32.DLL       00007FFE3EDF7034  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown 
ntdll.dll          00007FFE40522651  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown 

I can provide any other files if needed. Does this give more information about the error?

Sorry for the inconvenience
Kindest regards


Dear Younes,

The Echo variable is a way to debug problems with the formatting of an input file. But you don’t seem to have a problem with your input file formats.

From my brief look, I’m not seeing any problems with your input settings. I’m not aware of any issue running FAST.Farm with Mod_AmbWind = 2 in FAST.Farm and WindType = 2 in InflowWind.

By “debug mode”, I mean stepping through the source code as a simulation is running. How are you compiling FAST.Farm? When using Visual Studio, you can select the “Debug” configuration as an alternative to the “Release” configuration, recompile FAST.Farm, then “Start Debugging”. This should help you identify which line in the source code is causing the simulation to crash.

Best regards,

Dear Younes,

It looks like we responded at the same time; I see now that you can compile in debug mode.

It is now telling you which line in the source code is causing the failure (line 137 of SUBROUTINE ComputeLocals() in AWAE.f90, during the initial call to SUBROUTINE AWAE_CalcOutput()0. It is not obvious to me why this line would cause a problem in your case, but an “access violation” implies that memory is being accessed that has not been allocated within an array. I would suggest identifying the values of the variables in SUBROUTINE ComputeLocals(), e.g.:

p%NumPlanes maxPln p%NumRadii p%NumTurbines n nt np u%xhat_plane cosTerm SinTerm u%p_plane dp m%r_e m%r_s
(some of these are multidimensional arrays)

Best regards,

Dear Jason,

I finally succeeded in running the .fstf input file using the Visual Studio debugging mode. Since it is my first time, I have difficulties spotting where the issue is looking at the variables and the code in the subroutine… :frowning: . My guess is in the u%xhat_plane that is not defined :question:
Here are the values of most variable when the error occurs:



Dear Younes,

Sometimes the debugger has problems viewing variables that are part of complex data types such as u%. I see that the local variables CosTerm and dp are computed correctly even though u%xhat_plane and u%p_plane are not viewable by the debugger (all of the inputs to AWAE, u%, are set to 0.0 starting at line 1666 of SUBROUTINE FARM_InitialCO() in FAST_Farm_Subs.f90. When the variables are not viewable, you can view the actual values by adding, e.g., “WRITE(,) u%xhat_plane” to the source code and recompiling.

But I’m very confused that you are receiving an error in this routine if all you changed was WindType from 1 to 2 in your InflowWind input file. SUBROUTINE ComputeLocals() is quite independent from InflowWind. Can you get your FAST.Farm simulation to run if you simplify it, e.g., by eliminating 4 of 5 wind turbines or disabling the super controller?

Best regards,

Dear Jason:

I met a new error when tried to use latest-version Fast.Farm with the AmbWind data(N3 include HighT1~3 and Low resolution data which download with the pre-version Farm),information is followed:

tates:UpdatePhi(node 9, blade 1):BEMT_UnCoupledSolve:There is no valid value of phi for these
operating conditions: Vx = 5.0563, Vy = -34.886, rlocal = 28.136, theta = 0.1361, geometric phi =
2.9977. This warning will not be repeated though the condition may persist. (See GeomPhi output
Time: 158 of 1996 seconds. Estimated final completion at 23:57:07.

tates:UpdatePhi(node 9, blade 3):BEMT_UnCoupledSolve:There is no valid value of phi for these
operating conditions: Vx = 6.6268, Vy = -45.711, rlocal = 28.139, theta = 0.13614, geometric phi
= 2.9976. This warning will not be repeated though the condition may persist. (See GeomPhi output
Time: 326 of 1996 seconds. Estimated final completion at 00:38:51.

T3:FARM_UpdateStates:NearWakeCorrection:Wake model is not valid in the propeller-brake region,
i.e., Ct > 2.0.

Aborting FAST.Farm.

It seems something wrong with near region wake model ,but what confuses me is that there is no problem when running with Farm before. Should i change wakeMod in AeroDyn15 ?

Best regards

Dear Junius,

This error is stating that the disk-averaged rotor thrust is greater than 2, where the near-wake correction in FAST.Farm is invalid. A rotor thrust greater than 2 is quite unexpected. I would guess one or more more wind turbines (but especially turbine #3) are not operating as expected based on an incorrect setting in the FAST.Farm or OpenFAST input files. But it is difficult for me to guess what that would be. How do the wind speed, rotor speed, and blade pitch angles look for each turbine as output from OpenFAST up until the simulation failure?

Best regards,

Dear Jason:

Thanks for your reply and i will check it

What is embarrassing is that due to an error message:

 Heading of the FAST.Farm input file:
   Sample FAST.Farm input file
Running AWAE.
forrtl: severe (157): Program Exception - access violation
Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source

I deleted all the files generated before, and now I still can’t use Farm normally. I’m sorry to be unable to provide these data for the time being.

In addition, do you know how to solve this problem? I tried to find this severe using task manager, but I didn’t succeed…:frowning:

Ps: other project can work, except the N3

Best regards

Dear Junius,

I’m sorry, but I don’t really understand what are asking. Please clarify.

Best regards,

Dear Jason:

Sorry i didn’t make it clearly. When the simulation is aborted, i can’t continue the simulation because the “access violation”, but I tried the fstf file of other projects and worked normally. Fortunately, I edited the fstf file again, and now it can continue to work.

Also i met the same problem with Ct>2.0 ,here are some datas
(a) Wind speed
Turbine 1 : Time Wind1VelX WindVelY Wind1VelZ
322.0000 7.709E+00 -1.031E-01 2.578E-01
Turbine 2: Time WindVelX WindVelY Wind1VelZ
322.0000 6.818E+00 -8.239E-01 -1.782E-01
Turbine 3: Time WindVelX WindVelY Wind1VelZ
322.0000 5.711E+00 6.089E-01 3.656E-01
(b) Rotor speed
T1 T2 T3
8.820E+00 -1.666E+01 -1.659E+01

(c) Blade pitch angle
T1 T2 T3
0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00

The error seems to be triggered by the large (and negative) generator speed. And i find Younes had posted this probelm before ,i think what you said is right ,i just use the same servoDyn.dat and DLL file , so the controller of T2 and T3 are not reacting. So i add the separate file for each Turbine, then i succed.

Thanks for your help which i learned a lot!
Best regards


Dear Jason,

I have a question regarding the dynamics of wind turbine power. In the figure below, I considered a 9m/s mean wind speed with a turbulence intensity of 6% (the top subplot). In the bottom subplot, the theoretical maximum power that a turbine can get from this wind speed is P=0.5rhoCpAU^3, what I call “Input power” (blue curve). “Output power FAST.Farm” is the power that I get from simulation of a single turbine (red curve). I think one of the reasons behind this difference is the dynamics of the turbine. Indeed, the rotor cannot instantly change from a rotational speed to another, and also there is inertia. But my main question is: apart from the dynamics of the turbine, is there a filter (like a low pass filter) applied to the wind speed input?
I looked at the FAST.Farm manual and it seems there are low pass filters, but I think it is more related to the wake effect. I might be wrong here, please correct me.


Kindest regards


Dear Younes,

While FAST.Farm has low-pass filters, as you said, these are related to the wake deficit and evolution, and so, will impact the downstream wind turbines, but not the turbine producing the wake.

And, as you said, the dynamics of the wind turbine play a role–especially the rotor acceleration and deceleration, which acts as a filter. The control also has a filter; the baseline controller for the NREL 5-MW wind turbine calculates generator torque and power from the low-pass filtered generator speed.

Best regards,

1 Like

Dear Jason
I`m trying to use the branches f/fast-farm to simulate two offshore turbines with shared mooring line. I have checked the appropriate documentation at this link [url][/url], but i did not find a sample of FarmMoorDynFile the file containing shared mooring system input parameters used only when the variable Mod_SharedMooring is greater than 0 → Mod_SharedMooring>0. Can you provide a sample of this kind of file?
Beside this, can you give me some tips on how an input file should be, checking the read input section of the code, for example of moordyn module?
Please let me know if you need me to elaborate better the questions above.
Best Regards

Dear Salvatore,

It looks like you posted the same question on the OpenFAST github issues site: As this functionality is under active development and has not yet been merged in, I’ve asked Matt Hall of NREL to respond there.

Best regards,

Thanks very much Jason!

Dear Jason,

I want to run a simulation until it reaches steady-state and then start yawing the turbines in different ways, so I will have several simulations where the “first transient part” will be the same.

Hence, I ask if it is possible to start a new FAST.Farm simulation from the point where another one stopped, so I could simulate this transient part only once.

Thanks in advance,

Dear Eduardo,

That would be a nice feature, but is not one that FAST.Farm currently supports. In the “Future Work” chapter of the FAST.Farm documentation, you may have noticed that “implement[ing] checkpoint-restart capability” is listed as an item; such capability exists in OpenFAST now and should not be too difficult to add to FAST.Farm as well. This capability could form the basis of the development of the feature you are requesting, and so, could likely be implemented with a bit of work.

Best regards,

Thank you for the answer

Dear Dr.Jonkman,

I have some confusion when running FAST.Farm for offshore wind turbines. The wind field could be generated periodically using the pre-processor module, TurbSim. However, regarding the wave loading, it seems that only the HydroDyn submodule in the OpenFAST could be employed, which means the wave loading could not be considered in the wind-farm scale and be specified for the individual wind turbine. The post-processing view via the Paraview is shown below. May you give me more details about the wave loading simulation—many thanks.

Best regards,