I’m simulating a 2 turbine array in FAST.Farm. I’m able to use the basic ServoDyn.dat file to yaw the front turbine to wake steer. I would like to have the downstream turbine pitch control its blades in a way that keeps the total farm power constant (say 4 MW) as the upstream turbine sweeps through different yaw states.
I think the easiest way to do this is by adjusting the downstream turbine rated power in real time such that:
(Downstream turb rated power set point) = (4 MW - Upstream turbine power output)
How could I do this? Or would there be a better way to keep total farm power constant?
I’ve succeeded in using Microsoft Visual Studio + Intel Visual Fortran to build a single turbine controller DISCON.dll from the DISCON.F90 provided in the OpenFAST folder. However, building a super controller from the SOWFA folder’s super controller isn’t as easy and I could use some direction since I don’t know what that code would look like (being new to C and fortran). I’ve gone through the SOWFA + Super Controller Manual and have been reading through the controller code in the SOWFA folder at: NREL-SOWFA-2fd1c71\NREL-SOWFA-2fd1c71\src\turbineModels\turbineModelsStandard
Thank you for your time.